Haptics for Neuroscience and Neuroimaging

Full-day Workshop at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, Washington

Room : WSCC 617

Date : 26th May 2015


(Timing may be updated)

Time Event/Topic Speaker Affiliation
9:00 AM Introduction : Haptics & Motor Neuroscience Samir Menon Stanford Univ., USA
9:15 Invited Talk : Robotic Induction of neuromodulation by using an
fMRI compatible pneumatic device
Jun Ueda Georgia Tech., USA
9:45 Invited Talk : Effects of robot-aided therapy in sensory-motor
rehabilitation of the upper limb
Antonio Frisoli Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy
10:15 Coffee Break
10:40 Talk : Leveraging haptically-rendered environments to explore
the motor cortical substrate of feedback control
Dan O'Shea Stanford Univ., USA
11:00 Talk : MR-compatible haptics to study wrist pointing
during fMRI
Fabrizio Sergi Rice Univ., USA
11:20 Blitz Talk : Biomechanical Predictive Model for Bimanual and Dyadic Object
Manipulation: A Cooperation Strategy for Two Hands
Ehsan Noohi Univ. Illinois at Chicago, USA
11:30 Field Overview : Robotics & Haptics for Human Motor Control Oussama Khatib Stanford University, USA
12:00 PM Lunch Break
1:30 Blitz talk : Towards an MR-compatible Haptic Interface with Seven
Actuated Degrees of Freedom
Markus Kuhne T.U. Munich, Germany
1:35 Blitz talk : Analysis of a Four-Bar, Three DOF Haptic fMRI Interface
with an In-Plane Rotation Axis
Hari Ganti Stanford Univ., USA
1:40 Blitz Talk : Coordination between digit forces and positions:
Identification of sensorimotor mechanisms via haptic devices
and transcranial magnetic stimulation
Quishi Fu Arizona State Univ., USA
1:45 Blitz Talk : The MR-SoftWrist: A 3DOF Robot for Wrist Motor Protocols
during fMRI
Andrew Erwin Rice Univ., USA
1:50 Interactive Session & Demos for Accepted Abstracts
2:45 Invited Talk : Lighting up the brain with tactile inputs Mounia Ziat Northern Michigan Univ., USA
3:15 Invited Talk : Robot-aided investigation of early brain function Etienne Burdet Imperial College, London
3:45 Invited Talk : Interacting brains: sensory mechanism of physical interactions
between humans
Gowrishankar Ganesh CNRS-AIST Joint Robotics Lab, Japan
4:15 Invited Talk : Robotic Measurement of Arm Movements After Stroke
Establishes Biomarkers of Motor Recovery
Hermano Igo Krebs MIT, USA
4:45 Panel Discussion
5:30 Workshop concludes

Green: Overview; Yellow: Interactive Session

    © Samir Menon. CCA 3.0 license.
    Last updated on Feb 12th, 2015