I am an observational cosmologist going after imprints of the early universe on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and in large-scale structure.

I build and work with teams to write software to achieve this goal using data from state-of-the-art mm-wave telescopes SPT and BICEP/Keck Array. To break new ground, I am involved in planning the next-generation ground-based CMB telescope, CMB-S4.

In graduate school, I was part of a small team that designed, built, and deployed the BICEP3 telescope. That experience predisposes me to focus my analysis attention on instrumental systematics, along with astrophysical ones that can bias our measurements. With my interest in Machine Learning (ML), I seek to effectively apply ML in cosmology---from instrument to science.

Prior to SLAC, I was a KICP Fellow at the University of Chicago. Before that, I was a Croucher Fellow at UC Berkeley. I got my PhD from Stanford and did my undergraduate studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Here is my CV.

Outside of unveiling the mystery of our cosmos, I like hiking, skiing, and I am particular about coffee.

Photo credit: (top) Talk at Fermilab / Dan Hooper; (bottom) Dark Sector Lab BICEP3 / Sam Harrison; front page head shot by Giulia Longhi.