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Meaning, Intentions, and Argumentation cover

Meaning, Intentions, and Argumentation

edited by Kepa Korta and Joana Garmendia

What is the relationship between words and reality? Which are the best ways to convince or persuade other people? Besides philosophy and grammar, ancient Greeks developed rhetoric to answer these questions. The twentieth-century brought the birth of semantics and pragmatics for a systematic study of linguistic meaning and linguistic acts. Meaning, Intentions, and Argumentation brings together the work of leading contemporary scholars approaching those issues from various perspectives—from the old disciplines of philosophy and rhetoric to the newest thinking on semantics and pragmatics—to illuminate crucial aspects of meaning, communication, argumentation, and persuasion.

Kepa Korta is senior lecturer in philosophy and current director of the Institute for Logic, Cognition, Language and Information at the University of the Basque Country, where Joana Garmendia is a researcher.


  • Contributors ix
  • The Roads to Meaning xi
    Kepa Korta and Joana Garmendia
  • 1 Intention, Reference and Semantic Value 1
    John Perry
  • 2 Singular Propositions, Quasi-singular Propositions, and Reports 13
    Eros Corazza
  • 3 On Perry's Relative Truth-conditions 29
    Luis M. Valdés-Villanueva
  • 4 Fiction and Deception: How Cooperative is Literature? 41
    Salvatore Attardo
  • 5 Failures, Omissions, and Negative Descriptions 61
    Achille C. Varzi
  • 6 The Case for Core Meaning 77
    Manfred Kienpointner
  • 7 Situations from events to proofs 113
    Tim Fernando
  • 8 A Compositional Account of Counterfactuals 131
    Nicholas Asher and Eric McCready
  • 9 The rhetorical attachment of questions and answers 165
    Philippe Muller and Laurent Prévot
  • 10 Epideictic Rhetoric and the Representation of Human Decision and Choice 179
    Marc Dominicy
  • 11 Within the bounds of reason: Strategic maneuvering in argumentative discourse 209
    Frans H. van Eemeren and Peter Houtlosser
  • Index 237

March 2008

ISBN (Paperback): 9781575865423
ISBN (Cloth): 9781575865416
ISBN (Electronic): 9781575868509

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University of
Chicago Press

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