Resemblances Betwen Caterpillars and Butterflies:
                        An artist and a scientist show where to look for caterpillar-like
                         markings on butterfly wings [More]

                        See how you can help researchers and try finding the resemblances
                         in six examples

                        Add to the Resemblances Database / Inquire about taking a leadership
                         role in the "Find Resemblances" Citizen Science Program

Examples from all six butterfly families
Papilionidae Pieridae Lycaenidae
Riodinidae Nymphalidae Hesperiidae

Click to:
1) READ/DOWNLOAD Darryl Wheye and Paul R. Ehrlich's 2015 article, Are there caterpillars      on butterfly wings? News of the Lepidopterists' Society, Winter, Vol. 57(4) pp. 182-193.

2) LINK TO APPENDIX 1. Twenty-five Examples of Larva/Adult Resemblances
     from the Wheye and Ehrlich article with links to image enlargements

3) LINK TO APPENDIX 2. Seventeen Examples of Dot Patterns on Wing Margins
     from the Wheye and Ehrlich article with links to image enlargements

4) SEE FOUR EXAMPLES (CAPTIONED) of possible adult/larval resemblances
     from the Wheye and Ehrlich article


Photo credits
row one © 2008 David Robacker; © 2009 Jim P. Brock; © 2009 Jim P. Brock;
row two © 2010 D.H. Janzen and W. Hallwachs voucher code 01-SRNP-2576.03;;
© 2009 Andrew Warren; ©2009 Kim Davis, Mike Stangeland & Andrew Warren

row one © 2007 Dan Hardy; © 2010 Jim P. Brock; © 2010 Jim P. Brock;
row two © 2010 D.H. Janzen and W. Hallwachs voucher code 01-SRNP-2576,;
© 2009 Jim P. Brock; © 2011 D.H. Janzen and W. Hallwachs voucher code 06-SRNP-56548,

Composite Adult/Larva:
© 2007, 2009 Luc Legal, Jerome Albre and Oscar Dorado