Necessary Contribution to Stabilize Unfunded Liabilities Under MVL
(as a Percentage of Own Revenue)

The map above is shaded based upon the share of each state's own revenues that would need to be contributed in order that each state may avoid an increase in the unfunded pension liability using MVL standards. If you hover over any of the states, there are two additional figures provided as well: (i) the share of the state's own revenues actually contributed to the pension systems and (ii) the share of a state's own revenues that would need to be contributed in order that the state may avoid an increase in the unfunded liability under the state's expected rate of return on assets. (NOTE: see Figures 5 & 6 in “Relevant Charts and Figures – 2017” for another visual representation of these figures)

Necessary Contribution to Stabilize Unfunded Liabilities Under MVL
(as a Percentage of Covered Payroll)

The map above follows the same format as the first map; however, instead of measuring contributions as a percentage of the states' own revenues, this map measures contributions as a percentage of state pension funds' covered payrolls.