Write a ConsoleProgram that calculates the tax, tip and total bill for us at a restaurant. The program should ask the user for the subtotal, and then calculate and print out the tax, tip and total.

Assume that tip is 20% and tax is 8% and that tip is on the original amount, not on the taxed amount.


 * Program: Restaurant
 * -------------
 * This program helps restaurants calculate the bill 
 * taking into account tax and tip!
public class Restaurant extends ConsoleProgram {
	// This declares a constant... it can never change value.
	private static final double TAX = 0.08; // Tax is 8%
	private static final double TIP = 0.20; // Tip is 20%
	public void run() {
	    // store the raw cost of the meal.
		double cost = readDouble("What was the meal cost? $");
		double tax = cost * TAX;
		double tip = cost * TIP;
		double total = cost + tax + tip;

		println("Tax: $" + tax);
		println("Tip: $" + tip);
		println("Total: $" + total);