


Chris Gregg
Tu/Thu 11:30AM-12:30PM PDT

Head TA + SLs

Wil Kautz
Mon/Wed 1-3PM PDT
Section Leaders

We help each-other


Diagnostic Instructions and Download Link
The Final Diagnostic is scheduled for 10:30-12:00pm on August 6th. I built the exam to take about an hour, so there will hopefully be some buffer. Here are instructions for completing the diagnostic. Please read and follow all the instructions below:
  1. The diagnostic download link is here:
  2. The diagnostic will be available for download at a bit before 10:30am. Once you get the diagnostic downloaded, you must start it soon afterwards. We expect that if you download the diagnostic at 10:30am, you will have it started before 10:40am. The Bluebook software enforces a strict 1.5-hour timeframe once you begin the diagnostic. You will also get a password with the link
  3. If you have not yet downloaded Bluebook, please do so at this link:
  4. . You should ensure that you can open and run Bluebook before downloading the diagnostic. If you have trouble, see the various posts on Ed Discussion about it, or ask your own question.
  5. Important: To submit the diagnostic, you must have Internet access and your 2-factor authentication device. You may have to authenticate twice. Do not close Bluebook until you get a confirmation code saying that your diagnostic has been successfully uploaded. If the diagnostic upload fails, please email Chris or text Chris at 857-234-0211. The diagnostic data is stored on your computer and we can access it after the diagnostic manually if necessary.
  6. If Bluebook crashes during the diagnostic, don't panic. We can recover it manually, but you will need to text Chris at 857-234-0211 to get instructions on how to do that.
  7. The diagnostic is Open Book, open notes. You are not allowed to search for solutions to the diagnostic online or discuss the diagnostic with anyone else, but you may use any other resource that you would like, including the Karel reader, lecture slides, section code, etc. You are allowed to take Bluebook out of full screen mode if you wish.
  8. We will be monitoring Ed Discussion, so if you do have a question about the exam you can post a private message and we'll see it and reply as soon as we can.

I hope everyone does great on the diagnostic, and good luck!
Assignment 7 Posted

We have posted the last assignment, Bajillion here. Enjoy building your search engine!

Final Diagnostic Information and Practice

We have published information about the final diagnostic here. There is a practice exam and solutions, and other information.

Assignment 3 Extension

We are giving everyone an automatic 1-day extension for assignment 3, meaning that it will be due Wednesday at 10:30 am PST . You can still use two extra late days for the assignment, for a maximum of 4 in the quarter. We will still be releasing Assignment 4 on Tuesday and having it due next Tuesday (July 21).

Diagnostic Instructions and Download Link
The Week 3 Diagnostic is scheduled for 10:30-11:30am on July 9th. Here are instructions for completing the diagnostic. Please read and follow all the instructions below:
  1. The diagnostic download link is here:
  2. The diagnostic will be available for download at a bit before 10:30am. Once you get the diagnostic downloaded, you must start it soon afterwards. We expect that if you download the diagnostic at 10:30am, you will have it started before 10:40am. The Bluebook software enforces a strict 1-hour timeframe once you begin the diagnostic. You will also get a password with the link
  3. If you have not yet downloaded Bluebook, please do so at this link:
  4. . You should ensure that you can open and run Bluebook before downloading the diagnostic. If you have trouble, see the various posts on Ed Discussion about it, or ask your own question.
  5. Important: To submit the diagnostic, you must have Internet access and your 2-factor authentication device. You may have to authenticate twice. Do not close Bluebook until you get a confirmation code saying that your diagnostic has been successfully uploaded. If the diagnostic upload fails, please email Chris or text Chris at 857-234-0211. The diagnostic data is stored on your computer and we can access it after the diagnostic manually if necessary.
  6. If Bluebook crashes during the diagnostic, don't panic. We can recover it manually, but you will need to text Chris at 857-234-0211 to get instructions on how to do that.
  7. The diagnostic is Open Book, open notes. You are not allowed to search for solutions to the diagnostic online or discuss the diagnostic with anyone else, but you may use any other resource that you would like, including the Karel reader, lecture slides, section code, etc. You are allowed to take Bluebook out of full screen mode if you wish.
  8. Bluebook has two different question styles. The first is on a single screen, where you answer the questions as you scroll down the screen. The second has the question on the left and the answers that you type on the right. Please make sure you scroll all the way down on a question page to make sure you have answered all the questions.
  9. We hope everyone has a fun time with the diagnostic, and if you have further questions, please post them on Ed Discussion

Diagnostic Resources

We've posted material about the diagnostic on this handout. We would also appreciate if you could fill out this form about diagnostic timing as well!

Assignment 2 released

We just released Assignment 2. It's due on July 7th at 10:30am PDT.

Assignment 1 released

We just released Assignment 1. It's due on June 30th at 10:30am PDT.

What is CS106A?


We put together some handouts to help you understand where we are going to go in CS 106A and how we plan to get there.

The General Information handout has details on course logistics. Read this to get a sense for what CS 106A is going to entail. The Course Placement handout has details on deciding between CS 106A and CS 106B. The Honor Code handout has details on how the Honor Code applies in the context of the work you'll be doing in CS 106A.

The Course Schedule page shows you the topics that we are going to cover in CS106A. We will also post materials from lecture on the schedule page. The Office Hours page has contact information for teaching team and the office hour calendar. Office hours will start in week one.

Finally, the Course Communication handout has details on where to go when you need help in the class.


Welcome to CS106A! We're gearing up for a fun quarter beginning on Monday, June 22nd. Enrolled students should read the Zoom info handout for details about how to get on the 10:30am webinar on the first day of class.

Until then, reach out to Chris with any questions you have.