Submitting Assignments

September 18th, 2020

This handout explains how to submit your work. Remember that all assignments are submitted electronically through the Paperless website ( Whether or not an assignment is submitted on time is determined by the timestamp on your electronic submission. Since this timestamp is based on the time that the server that receives the assignment, we recommend submitting with at least a few minutes to spare, particularly if you discover that your computer’s clock is running slow.

Submitting your assignments electronically

For the CS106 classes, we use an electronic assignment submission portal called Paperless that makes assignment submission a relatively seamless process. Go to and click the “Submit Assignment” button at the top right corner. This will bring you to a page as pictured in Figure 1.

A dropdown menu to select the assignment you are submitting

Figure 1: When you navigate to the Paperless homepage, you should see a dropdown menu to select the assignment you are submitting.

Once you have reached this page, you should select the appropriate assignment from the dropdown menu, which will bring up a page as pictured in Figure 2.

When you select an assignment from the dropdown menu, the page presents you with a file selection area. You can drag your files there or use the “Choose File” button

Figure 2: When you select an assignment from the dropdown menu, the page presents you with a file selection area. You can drag your files there or use the “Choose File” button.

You should upload all of the appropriate files for the chosen assignment. The end of each assignment handout has a list of all of the files that we expect you to submit. You will not be able to hit the “Submit Assignment” button until you have uploaded all of the necessary files. Once they have been uploaded, your page should look similar to Figure 3. (Note that the specific list of files you’ll be submitting for Assignment 1 have some different names than the files listed in the picture below—notably, you won’t have,, or files in your submission).

After uploading all of the appropriate files, the file selection box should list the name of every file you are submitting.

Figure 3: After uploading all of the appropriate files, the file selection box should list the name of every file you are submitting.

After you have verified that you’ve included all of the files outlined in the assignment handout, hit the “Submit Assignment” button. If the submission is successful, it should bring up a page that looks like Figure 4.

This page lists all of the assignments for which you have a submission, along with information about your submissions.

Figure 4: After submitting the assignment, the resulting page lists all of the assignments for which you have a submission, along with information about your submissions. The picture above shows what your page will look like after submitting Assignment 1.

You should always check the contents of your submission to make sure the code files are up-to-date and correct. To inspect the submission, click on the specific assignment. This will bring up a page that looks Figure 5 (on the next page).

A dropdown menu on the left labeled “File” that lets you select files from the submission to inspect. The dropdown menu on the right lets you cycle through all of your submissions for a given assignment

Figure 5: When inspecting a submission, you will see a dropdown menu on the left labeled “File” that lets you select files from the submission to view. The dropdown menu on the right lets you cycle through all of your submissions for a given assignment.

Congratulations, you’ve now successfully submitted your assignment!

You can submit each assignment as many times as you would like by following the instructions outlined in this document. However, your section leader will grade only the most recent submission.

If you are adding functionality to your project for extra credit, please first submit a regular version of your program before submitting the extended version. This ensures that you get full credit for the main parts of the assignment in the case that your extended program introduces any bugs. If you have image files, audio clips, or extra Python files that are part of your extra credit submission, please also make sure to submit those.

Make a backup copy of your assignment

Although we work hard to keep track of all of the assignments that come in, since CS 106A has so many students and a large staff, assignments have sometimes not been received as expected. If your assignment goes missing, you will need to resubmit it. To make resubmission possible, you are responsible for keeping a backup copy of your work.