Frankie and Ecy will be holding weekly office hours throughout the quarter for you to discuss any questions you might have about assignments, course material or simply Computer Science and life in general. All office hours this quarter will be held in group setting and are open for all students to join, with no prior sign-up necessary. Students are welcome to bring their questions or pop in to listen to questions of others. We will provide high-level assignment help and conceptual guidance using a format of group discussion for benefit of all participants. To participate in these office hours, simply show up during the scheduled window.
The LaIR helper hours are an additional set of office hours staffed by our sturdy fleet of section leaders. At the LaIR, students can get individual help with debugging and conceptual questions.
Scheduled Office Hours
Frankie: Fridays 3-4:30 in Durand 307
Ecy: Tuesdays 3-4:30 in Durand 307
Frankie and Ecy's Tea Time: Thursdays 2:45-4pm outside SkillAud