Common questions

These questions are meant to provide information about how certain course components will look during the Spring 2020 virtual quarter. We are trying our best as a course staff to be up front and transparent about what CS106B will look in these unprecedented times, course policies may continue to change as the situation evolves. More information about assignments, section, and assessments can be found under the respective tabs on the navigation bar. Still have unanswered questions? Hop on over to the forum and ask! We're happy to help.

How will lectures be delivered? Where can I access the lectures?

As per university policy, all lectures and course content this quarter will be delivered online. We will be hosting all of our lecturers this quarter via Zoom webinars. You can find the Zoom information for each lecture on Canvas, via the course calendar there. More information about lecture can be found on the About Lecture page.

Will the lectures be recorded and available to watch online?

Yes, the lecturers will be recorded and made available through Canvas, under the Course Videos tab, shortly after class ends at 3:30pm PDT.

Will there be section this quarter? Is section attendance required?

Yes, we will be having weekly discussion sections this quarter, as we normally would have during an on-campus quarter. Attendance and participation in section will be mandatory for all students. Your section leader will be grading your participation in section on a weekly basis, and these grades will make up 10% of your final grade. If you have concerns about your ability to attend and participate in section, due to any factor (time zone, technological barriers, etc.) please email Nick ( and he can work with you to arrange necessary accommodations. More information about section can be found on the About Section page.

How will virtual office hours work? How can I get help in this class?

There will be multiple ways to get help in CS106B. The main resource for conceptual and debugging help will be the LaIR, which is a help center staffed by section leaders Sunday-Thursday evenings, 5:00PM – 9:00PM PDT and Monday, Tuesday mornings, 9:00AM - 11:00AM PDT). Before signing up for the LaIR using the remote signup link, make sure to read the student LaIR guide (Coming Soon!). In addition, each of the course staff (Chris, Julie, and Nick) will have 4 hours of office hours every week. The times of these office hours can be found on the side bar of the main course webpage. Access information for these office hours will be coming soon. Additionally, you can ask questions and receive help asynchronously using the class forum, linked from the main home webpage.

Will there be exams this quarter?

We will not have traditional examinations in CS106B this quarter. However, we will still have assessments during the middle of the quarter (around Week 6) and at the end of the quarter (during Week 10). While we are still finalizing the exact format and content of the assessments, they will involve a 30 minute 1-on-1 session with your section leader, where you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and receive direct feedback. More information can be found on the About Assessments page.

How will final grades be calculated?

Course grades will be calculated using the following component weightings:

Assignments 55% Mid-quarter assessment 15% Final Assessment 20% Section Participation 10%

We will use a Satisfactory / No Credit grading scheme for all students, as per the university directive for all courses during Spring 2020. To earn a course grade of “Satisfactory”, you must have passing work in each of the components.

What sort of flexibility will be offered given the exceptional circumstances?

We as the course staff are here to support you and help you succeed in these unprecedented times. If there are circumstances that arise in your personal situation that impact your ability to complete the work for this class, please contact us and we will do the best we can to help you out.

I am currently unable to enroll on Axess. How can I shop the course in the meantime?

Canvas has a new feature that allows students to shop courses and access videos without enrolling on Axess. We have configured the CS106B Canvas to be "opening for shopping". Please see the Canvas announcement about course shopping for more information. Note that you must be formally enrolled on Axess to submit work for grading.

Do you allow auditors?

Auditors are welcome to attend lecture, access our materials, and complete labs and assignments on their own, but work cannot be handed in. We will not be able to grade work from auditors, nor be able to accommodate them in the lab sections, helper hours or the online forum. To get access to the assignments as an auditor, please contact us to let us know you would like to audit the course.

What is CS100B?

CS100B is also known as Pathfinders (or ACE). Pathfinders is a supplementary instruction program that meets for a weekly section and holds Pathfinders-specific review sessions. This program is part of the ACE program, and is in addition to all the normal requirements for CS106B. You will receive an extra unit of course credit for the work you do in this program.