Resources for Qt Creator

Qt application icon

Students in the CS106B/X courses use Qt Creator to write C++ programs. Qt Creator is an integrated development environment (IDE) with tools to edit, build, run, and debug programs.

Installing Qt Creator

Qt Creator is installed on the campus cluster computers. Students may also choose to install Qt Creator on their own computers.

We have prepared installation guides for each operating system, choose the one for your computer. Please follow the instructions carefully and do not skip steps.

After installation, use the check step instructions to build and run our sample project that confirm your Qt Creator is installed properly and works correctly. If you run into problems, check our troubleshooting guide.

Re-installing: If you already have Qt Creator on your computer, ensure it is up-to-date and has the latest bug fixes. To confirm what version you have, look in the Qt Creator menu for "About Qt Creator". The latest version is

Qt Creator 4.11.2 Based on Qt 5.14.2

Your version number should be equal or greater. If you need to re-install, follow the install steps above, choosing a distinct destination folder for Qt than your existing install. After your new installation is complete, delete the previous Qt folder so you have only one Qt installed on your system to avoid confusion.

Using Qt Creator

Here are some guides on using the tools.

Document currently maintained by Nick Bowman, Julie Zelenski, and Chris Gregg. Revisions also made by Marty Stepp, Chris Gregg, Cynthia Lee, and Keith Schwarz. Thanks to former CS 106 TAs Reid Watson, Jess Fisher, Ashley Taylor, and Danielle Kain for writing and revising our original Qt Creator instructions. Last updated 2020/04/02 by Nick Bowman.