Lecture 5/27: Binary Search Trees

May 27, 2020

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Binary Search Trees

CS 106B: Programming Abstractions

Spring 2020, Stanford University Computer Science Department

Lecturers: Chris Gregg and Julie Zelenski

A binary search tree. 50 has children 17 and 72. 17 has children 12 and 23. 72 has children 54 and 76. 12 has children 9 and 14. 23 has a left child, 19. 54 has a right child, 67

Slide 2


Slide 3

Today's Topics

Slide 4

Final Assessment plans

Slide 5

Mid-Quarter Feedback

Slide 6

Why the "binary search tree"

Slide 7

Binary Search Tree Definition

Slide 8

Binary Search Tree Functions

Slide 9

Easy functions: findMin() and findMax()

Slide 10

Easy function: contains(s)

Slide 11

Easy function (but there are multiple ways to do it): add(x)

Slide 12

Hard function: remove(s)

      ↙︎  ↘︎
    2      8
  ↙︎  ↘︎
1      5

Slide 13

Have we created the perfect set?

Slide 14

Balancing Trees

Slide 15

Balancing Trees: left and right subtrees the same height?