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About Lectures
1. 6/21 Welcome!
2. 6/23 C++ Fundamentals
3. 6/25 C++ Review, Strings, and Testing
4. 6/28 Console Programs and Vectors
5. 6/30 Ordered Data Structures (Grids, Stacks and Queues)
6. 7/2 Unordered Data Structures (Sets and Maps)
7. 7/7 Big O Notation and Algorithmic Analysis
8. 7/9 Introduction to Recursion
9. 7/12 Fractals
10. 7/14 Why We Use Recursion
11. 7/16 Recursive Backtracking and Enumeration
12. 7/19 Recursive Backtracking Revisited
13. 7/21 Applied Ethics and Gerrymandering
14. 7/23 Object-Oriented Programming
15. 7/26 Dynamic Memory Allocation and Arrays
16. 7/28 Implementing an ADT (OurVector)
17. 7/30 Priority Queues and Binary Heaps
18. 8/2 Memory and Pointers
19. 8/4 Introduction to Linked Lists
20. 8/6 Advanced Linked List Operations
21. 8/9 Sorting Algorithms
22. 8/11 Trees
23. 8/13 Binary Search Trees
24. 8/16 Huffman Coding
25. 8/18 Hashing
26. 8/20 Personal Project Work Day
27. 8/23 Multithreading
28. 8/25 Ethics Roundtable
29. 8/27 Life After CS106B
About Assignments
0. Welcome to CS106B!
1. Getting Your C++ Legs
2. Fun with Collections
3. Recursion
4. Recursive Backtracking
5. Priority Queue
6. Linked Lists
7. Huffman Coding
About Sections
Section Portal
1. C++ fundamentals
2. ADTs, Big-O, and Intro to Recursion
3. Recursion and Intro to Backtracking
4. Recursive Backtracking
5. Classes and Dynamic Memory
6. Pointers and Linked Lists
7. Trees
8. Review
About Assessments
1. Mid-Quarter Diagnostic
2. Personal Project
⚠️ This page is out of date, from a past version of the course Summer Quarter 2021. The current quarter site is at
Lecture 2. C++ Fundamentals
Wednesday June 23
Introduction to Fundamentals of C++ Programming
Ch. 1, 2.1-2.4
Video on canvas
📦 Code and Slides