CS 161 Gradescope Piazza Homework Resources


Homework Logistics

  • Homework is to be handed in via Gradescope. Access code 9ZGBZZ.
  • The homework schedule is here.
  • Please adhere to the collaboration policies. In brief:
    • We recommend that you complete the ``Exercises" section on your own.
    • Collaboration with fellow CS-161-ers is fine on the ``Problems" section, but (a) you must give credit to those you worked with, and (b) you must type up your own solutions from scratch.
  • Homework solutions must be typed, and submitted as a PDF. See the Resources section for help on typesetting mathematical writing, as well as a LaTeX template for homework.
  • Your solutions will be graded by a human; respect that human. Make sure that your solutions are organized and use complete sentences. It's not a good idea to turn in your first draft. See the Resources section for more homework tips and an example solution set.
  • See the pre-lecture exercise for Lecture 2 for instructions on installing Jupyter Notebooks with Python and see the resources section for Python help. All IPython notebooks will be using Python 3.

Homework 1

Homework 2

Homework 3

Homework 5

Homework 6

Homework 7

Homework 8