Harry Potter


The Harry Potter series has many charcters, here are a description of a few:

Name Which House Description
Harry Potter Gyrffindor Harry Potter is the main character in the series. He is a wizard who attends Hogwarts as a gryffindor. He goes on many journies to defeat voldemort and the death eaters.
Voldemort Syltherin Voldemort is the antagonist in the series. He is a Dark wizard bent on securing unmatched power and achieving immortality through the practice of the Dark Arts. He was once a student at Hogwarts and was born as “Tom Riddle”.
Hermione Granger Gyrffindor Hermione is one of Harry Potter's best friends, along with Ron Weasley. She is depicted as extremely intelligent—the classic over-achiever, with top marks in all her classes.
Ron Weasley Gyrffindor Ron was Harry’s best friend in the novel. He was a Weasley, which was a big family who didn’t have a lot of money. Ron is deeply loyal to the people he loves, including his family, Harry, and Hermione. He defends them with brutish desperation. He and Harry are inseparable, and Ron is often perceived as a sidekick of Harry Potter.
Draco Malfoy Syltherin Draco is pureblood in the slytherin house. He often picks on Harry and Harry's friends. Although he was mean, he was a smart wizard. Draco had family issues.. He soon realized the way he acted was because of how he was raised, and has a change of attitude.
Professor Snape Syltherin Professor Snape was the head of the slytherin house. He was a potion master, served in the defence against the dark arts, and was once headmaster. His charcter was bitter, precise, and cold.
Dumbledore Gyrffindor Dumbledore was headmaster of hogwarts. He protected Harry. Dumbledore was wise, kind, caring, and understanding. Dumbledore was an expert potioneer and master of transfiguration magic. He helped fight against Voldemort and the death eaters.
Hagrid Gyrffindor Hagrid was a half-gaint. In the novel, he was the Keeper of keys and grounds, Gamekeeper, and care of magical creature professor. He was a nice, kind-hearted man.
Professor McGonagall Gyrffindor Professor McGonagall was a powerful witch. She was the deputy headmistress of Hogwarts and the head of the Gyrffindor house. McGonagall was a well-rounded professor, who cared for her students. She helped spy on Voldemort and th death eaters.
Sirius Black Gryffindor Sirius Black was Harry Potter's dad, James Potter, bestfriend. Sirius is was a pureblood who didn't believe in pure-blood supremecy. He fought against Voldemort and the death eater's reign of terror. Sirius was killed in the Battle of the Department of Mystries by his cousin.
hermione voldemort draco