CS193J -- Programming in Java

Welcome to the CS193j home page for Summer 2003. CS193j is an introduction to the Java programming language for people with some prior programming experience.

Current Announcements
announcements archive

Instructor: Manu Kumar, sneaker@stanford.edu
Office: Gates 266, (650) 723-1923
Office Hours: Mondays 4:15 - 6:15 PM or by appointment

Teaching Assistant: Shankar Ponnekanti, pshankar@stanford.edu
Office: Gates 252, (650) 725-3053
Office Hours: Fridays, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM in Gates 252, Wednesdays 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM in Sweet Hall

Course Links

  • Handouts - electronic copies of handounts distributed in class
  • Slides - electronic copies of the slide sets used for lectures
  • Lectures - Archived video for lectures
  • Old handouts from last quarter -- suggestions of what's to come, although some things change
  • Assignment materials (Also available as /usr/class/cs193j/assignments)
  • Java At Stanford -- compilers, debuggers, etc.
  • Email a question to the staff queue


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