This is an archive of the 2017's course. For the current course, see here

Schedule and Syllabus

Unless otherwise specified the course lectures and meeting times are:

Wednesday, Friday 3:30-4:20
Location: 200-219

This syllabus is subject to change according to the pace of the class.
EventDateDescriptionCourse Materials
Jan 11
Week 1
No class Set up Tensorflow
Suggested Readings:
Nothing in particular, but you're welcome to read anything you want.
Lecture Jan 13 Overview of Tensorflow
Why Tensorflow?
Graphs and Sessions
To do Jan 13 Check out TensorBoard
Lecture Jan 18
Week 2
Basic operations, constants, variables
Control dependencies
Feeding inputs
Workshop Jan 20 Linear and Logistic Regression
Tensorflow's Optimizers
Example: OCR task on MNIST dataset
A1 released Jan 20 Assignment #1 released [A1 handout]
Lecture Jan 25
Week 3
Structure your TensorFlow model
Example: word2vec
Suggested Readings:
A lot. See lecture note
Lecture Jan 27 Managing experiments and process data
Saver object, checkpoints
Example: word2vec
A1 Due Jan 31 Assignment #1 due
Lecture Feb 1
Week 4
Convolutional Neural Networks
Guest lecture by Justin Johnson (Stanford Vision Lab)
Example: Neural style translation
Lecture Feb 3 Convolutional Neural Networks (continued)
Example: Autoencoder
A2 released Feb 8 Assignment #2 released [A2 Handout]
Lecture Feb 8
Week 5
Convolutional Neural Networks
Guest lecture by Jon Shlens (Google Brain)
Lecture Feb 10 Input Pipeline
Discussion of Assignment #2
Style Transfer
Feb 15
Week 6
No class TensorFlow Dev Summit
Sign up for campus viewing
Lecture Feb 17 Midterm discussion No slides
A2 Due Feb 20 Assignment #2 due
Lecture Feb 22
Week 7
Introduction to RNN, LSTM, GRU
Example: Character-level Language Modeling
Lecture Feb 24 Convolutional-GRU
Guest lecture by Lukasz Kaiser (Google Brain)
Lecture Mar 1
Week 8
Seq2seq with Attention
Example: Chatbot
A3 released Mar 2 Assignment #3 released [A3 Handout]
[Anonymous Chatlog Donation]
Mar 3 No class
Pete Warden: TensorFlow for Mobile Developers
Lecture Mar 8
Week 9
Seq2seq with Attention (continued)
Chatbot: Training and Optimizing
Lecture Mar 10 Reinforcement Learning in Tensorflow
Guest lecture by Danijar Hafner
(co-author of TensorFlow for Machine Intelligence)
A3 Due Mar 17 Assignment #3 due
Demo Mar 17 Chatbot demo