Tutorial Presentation

Each student will record a tutorial paper for the class. The syllabus contains a list of approved tutorial papers. The presentation should be in tutorial style and also explain any necessary background of the technical topic. The student is also expected to be able to answer questions on the topic raised by his/her peers in a live Q&A session on the day the paper is scheduled.

We also ask that you include 1-2 discussion questions as part of your tutorial presentation, for the class to discuss on the day of class.

If there is 1 presenter, the tutorial should be 10-15 minutes long (15 minutes max, even for teams of 2 or more). If there is more than one presenter signed up to present a tutorial, you will work as a team, so please reach out to your partners ahead of time to plan accordingly.

  • For teams of 2, please choose 1 paper to present and record a 15 minute tutorial.

  • For teams of 3, please choose 2 papers to present and record a 15 minute tutorial. In your presentation, please explain how these two papers relate to each other.

For teams of 2 or 3, we expect equal contribution from each team member and will grade with this in mind.

Draft Presentation

The success of the course depends upon the quality of the student presentations. To ensure this quality, we ask that you meet with the course assistant to review your presentation before you give your presentation. Here are the times allocated for this:

  • Tuesday Tutorial: Prior Thursday, 3pm PT

  • Thurday Tutorial: Prior Tuesday, 2pm PT

If you have a conflict with your assigned time, please make other arrangements with the course assistant.

Attention: This means that your slides are essentially due a few days before you submit your recorded tutorial.


Your presentation will be graded according to the following criteria:

  • Clarity of presentation

  • Explanation of prior work

  • Discussion of applications

  • Response to student questions

  • Time management

If your paper requires prior knowledge of certain concepts that were not previously covered, then you should spend some time reviewing these concepts. Above all, these presentations need to be clear. You may use videos, code, presentations, papers, or anything else available online to supplement the presentation of your topic (but give credit where it is due).

Tip: There is no need to cover everything in the paper. Just make sure that whatever you do present is presented clearly.


Upload your presentation in .mp4 format to GoogleDrive, and then share this link with the CA, by no later than 8am the day before your presentation. The CA will upload this file to Canvas, where other students will be able to download it. Students will watch this tutorial before class and submit questions for the live Q&A.

Attention: For the continuity of the course, it is critical that you present on the day agreed upon.