Table of Contents

  • Homepage
  • Introduction
  • Perpetual Change
  • Resistance
  • Opposition
  • Survey
  • Academic Impact
  • Survey 2
  • Juxtaposition
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Definitions

  • Netspeak Terms
  • Contact Information

    Email Jennifer Chien

    Email Thomas Grano

    Email Professor
    Richard Holeton

    Survey 2

    In search of conclusive evidence, an additional 24 Stanford students were surveyed. The results are shown in the four graphs below:

    We discovered through the surveys that students not only tried their best to avoid Netspeak when they use the Internet, but actually took measures to prevent Netspeak's appearance in their academic compositions at all.

    20 out of 24 people regularly used the Internet for up to two hours per day. In spite of this frequent usage of the Internet and media in which Netspeak is a popular tool, only four students responded that Netspeak has had a noticeable impact on their writing abilities.

    Most students, however, make little use of Netspeak. 11 students did not use Netspeak at all, and 12 use it occasionally. This indicates that, with or without exposure to Netspeak, the vast majority of students have no difficulty differentiating Netspeak from academic writing.
