Course Information


A basic course in MRI, such as EE369B, is a required prerequisite for this class. A working knowledge of linear algebra is also very useful.

Class Time and Location

  • Tues/Thurs 3:00–4:20 pm
    Lucas Center P069 (Except as noted on the course schedule)
    (Please see Schedule and announcements for the most current information)


  • Participation and Final Presentation (10%)

  • Weekly problem sets (90%)


Lecture notes and the following texts:

Strongly Recommended

NMR in Liquids: Basic Principles and Experimental Methods
F.J.M van de Ven
Amazon link


In Vivo NMR Spectroscopy, 2nd Edition
Robin de Graaf
Free link (within Stanford)
Amazon link

Clinical MR Spectroscopy: Techniques and Applications
Peter Barker, Alberto Bizzi, Nicola Stefano, Rao Gullapalli, and Doric Lin
Free link (within Stanford)
Amazon link

Magnetic resonance spectroscopy: tools for neuroscience research and emerging clinical applications
Charlotte Stagg and D.L. Rothman
Free link (within Stanford)
Amazon link

Spin Dynamics, 2nd Edition
Malcom Levitt
Amazon link