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Information about FASL 27 proceedings

The proceedings of the 27th meeting of Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics will, as in the past, be published by Michigan Slavic Publications.


  • September 30, 2018: submit paper by email to Please submit both Word and PDF versions.
  • October/November, 2018: review one or two papers for the proceedings volume.
  • November 30, 2018: we expect the reviewers’ comments to become available to authors.
  • January 30, 2019: final version of the paper is due, to Please submit both word and PDF versions.

Page and formatting guidelines

The page limit is 20 pages for conference presentations and 25 pages for invited talks.

The formatting guidelines are the same as in previous FASLs: please see this Word template, based on that from prior FASL proceedings volumes.

If you choose not to use the template, please make sure that your document adheres to the following guidelines:

  • US letter page format
  • Margins: left and right = 2 inches, top = 2 inches, bottom = 2.25 inches, header at 1.5 inches
  • Header: different odd and even, different first page
  • Body text font size (including section headings) = 11 pts, footnotes = 9.5 points, paper title = 13 points bold-faced
  • Set tabs at 1/8 inch distance for the entire document; this will help you when aligning the first and second line in numbered (block) examples.
  • Use the "keep lines together" function for examples and for section titles, to avoid a split over two pages.
  • Make sure that any tables and graphs do not spread over two pages; remember that all graphs will be printed in black-and-white, so either avoid using color, or else make sure that the colors will still be distinctive when converted into black-and-white.
  • Please be consistent with formatting the references (see examples in the template).