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16 June 2010 Becky Currano : "TBPM: Tangible Business Process Modeling – Bringing IT Systems Thinking to Design Thinking"

Becky Currano will present this week at DesignX the results of the research project

"TBPM: Tangible Business Process Modeling – Bringing IT Systems Thinking to Design Thinking"

The goal at the outset of this project was to extend Tangible Business Process Modeling (TBPM) to the Product Design Space to support radical innovation with respect to the whole product ecosystem.

We have done so by merging TBPM and Customer Value Chain Analysis (CVCA) to develop Customer Value Chain Modeling (CVCM), a generative method to support in- novativeproductdesign. AnessentialelementofCVCMisviewingproductdesigntasks through the hybrid lens of TBPM and each of the various stakeholders in the product ecosystem, in order to identify opportunities to innovatively redesign the customer value chain as a whole.

CVCM assists in identifying pain points (difficulties and inconveniences) and pleasure points(successfulanddesirableelements)inthecustomervaluechain. Itseekstopre- serve and add pleasure points and to eliminate and mitigate pain points, with respect to thethreedimensionsoftime,money,andeffort. CVCMisbothanalyticandgenerative, and encourages radical process improvements by helping designers to ask questions such as:

  • What can I separate?
  • What can I add on?
  • What systems are possible with this product?
  • What products/services are possible with this system?

Facilitated by Bettina Maisch

23 June 2010 Soren Petersen and Akin Osman Kazakci

Soren Petersen:
Including design considerations in business strategies

When compared to average proposals, well-composed design proposals improve performance by increasing focus on strategy, function and design expression criteria. They increase investors’ evaluation, user benefit and innovation by up to 30%, while reducing the risk of budget overruns by up to 50%.
Even further performance increases can be achieved by:
1) Including Industrial Design considerations in Business Strategy.
2) Co-creating proposals
3) Making proposals dynamic, “Sticky” and inspirational
The opportunity here is to involve designers in the business design phase, securing useful proposal content for concept synthesis. Our team has recently conducted an extensive audit of business modeling tools and aligned these with the Design Quality Criteria. We now seek to test these models on industry projects.

Søren Petersen founded ingomar&ingomar - consulting in 1993 and has since worked with international organizations in Denmark, Michigan and California, including Rambøll Group, Steelcase, BMW Group DesignworksUSA and Copenhagen Business School.
Søren Petersen received an MS. Mechanical Engineering degree from the Danish Technical University and a BS in Transportation Design from Art Center College of Design. He has recently graduated from Stanford University, Center for Design Research, with a PhD in quantifying design. Focusing on developing metrics and decision methods for design concept selection in the conceptual phase of product development.

Akin Osman Kazakci:
A presentation of C-K design theory: context, applications and extentions

Since its introduction in 1999, C-K theory has been the center of many studies, both at the academic level and in Industry. The present talk will give a short overview of C-K theory and some of its applications. Some historical notes will be given and current axes of development will be considered. A discussion of possible extensions related to some of the on-going work at CDR and Influential models in design reseach (such as perception-action paradigm) will conclude.

Akin Osman Kazakci is affiliated with Mines ParisTech, Design Chair. He has an MS in Industrial Eng. from (Galatasaray Univ.,Turkey) and a BS in Decision Analysis and Operations Research and a PhD in AI in Design (Paris IX Dauphine Univ., France). His main research interests are Design reasoning, management of design and innovation, design support tools and approaches.

30 June 2010 No DesignX

7 July 2010 Tea Lempiälä and Lauren Aquino Shluzas: Coding - tools and processes

Tea Lempiälä, doctoral student at Aalto University will give a talk on the process of coding in qualitative research, using the software program atlas.ti. In the talk, she will present her coding methods, processes and experience.

Following Tea's presentation, Lauren A. Shluzas, will hold an informal break-out session to share a case example using NVivo qualitative analysis software (as an alternative to Atlas.ti), for students interested in qualitative methods.

Tea is using atlas.ti - - in her research about: "championing practices of engineers in the front-end of innovation".

Lauren is using NVIVO - - in her research about: Physician-Developer Interaction in Medical Device Design

We would like to have very interactive summer DesignX sessions. Everybody is welcome to share his/her experience with coding methods and other (software) tools . As always snacks and drinks will be offered ;-)

Literature and tools

Qualitative Research – Interviews & Observation

  • Lofland, J., Snow, D., Anderson, L. & Lofland, L. (2005). Analyzing Social Settings: A Guide to Qualitative Observation and Analysis. Wadsworth Publishing
  • Spradley, J. P. (1979). The Ethnographic Interview. Holt Rinehart and Winston

Case-based Research

  • Eisenhardt, Kathy (1989). Building Theories from Case Study Research. Kathleen M. Eisenhardt. The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 14, No. 4., pp. 532-550
  • Yin, Robert K. (2009). Case Study Research: Design and Methods, 4th Edition

Grounded Theory Building

  • Charmaz, K. (2006). Constructing Grounded Theory: A Practical Guide through Qualitative Analysis.
  • Glaser, B. and Strauss, A. (1967). The discovery of grounded theory. Chicago: Aldine.
  • Strauss, A. and Corbin, J. (1994). Grounded Theory methodology: An overview, In: Handbook of Qualitative Research (Denzin, N., K. and Lincoln, Y.,S., Eds.). Sage Publications, London, 1-18.
  • Recommended Classes:
    MS&E 383: Doctoral Research Seminar on Ethnographic Research (taught by Professor Stephen Barley or Pam Hinds yearly)
  • Social Science Data and Software (SSDS) Nvivo Workshops (Green Library)
  • QSR Online Tutorials (Free Webinars)

Recommended Software:

If you know good / valuable literature about coding - please send an email to:

Some information about the presenter:

Tea Lempiälä is a doctoral candidate in Aalto University, Finland. She is currently a visiting research at the Center for Design Research. Her research examines the practices of innovation in organizations; especially the way ideas are introduced and developed collaboratively.

Lauren Aquino Shluzas is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University. Her research examines how physician interaction in the medical device development process influences the clinical and financial outcomes of early stage medical device companies.

Facilitated by Bettina Maisch

14 July 2010 Tanja Aitamurto: "Crowdsourcing"

Tanja Aitamurto is a journalist and a Ph.D. student studying collective intelligence in journalism. She is looking into crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, and the concepts of open innovation and open science as manifestations of participatory culture. In her first case study Tanja has interviewed actors on a crowdfunding platform Spot.Us, in which freelancers gather funding for their story projects. Tanja has interviewed both Spot.Us donors and reporters, and has analyzed the impact on crowdfunding on journalism, and the donors' motivation to participate.

Tanja has studied at the Innovation Journalism Program at Stanford, and has MA in linguistics, MSc in Social Sciences and Licentiate in Journalism. Tanja advises media companies and non-profit organizations about the changes in the field of communication. As a journalist, she specializes in business and technology. She contributes to the Huffington Post and to the Helsingin Sanomat, the leading daily newspaper in Finland, as well as to the Finnish Broadcasting Company. Prior to coming to California, Tanja worked as a foreign affairs reporter and did reporting in countries such as Afghanistan, Angola, and Uganda.

Download : Paper (PDF) : Presentation (PPT/PDF) : Video (MP4)

Facilitated by Facilitator Name

21 July 2010 Mikko Laine: "Literature review - doing bibliometric analysis and systematic review"

Presentation topic:
The presentation gives a practical example of doing literature review by bibliometric analysis and systematic review.

Mikko Laine is a visiting scholar at the Scandinavian Consortium for Organizational Research at Stanford University. Back in Finland he is a doctoral candidate at the Aalto University School of Science, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. In addition, he is a researcher and project manager at the Software Business Lab at Aalto University's BIT Research Centre. In his doctoral work he investigates open and user innovation in online communities.

Sitkis - A software tool for bibliometric analysis
UCINET - A social network analysis program (includes NetDraw to draw diagrams)

Tranfield, D., Denyer, D. and Smart, P. (2003) Towards a methodology for developing evidence-informed management knowledge by means of systematic review. British Journal of Management, 14, 207-222.
Kitchenham, B. (2004) Procedures for performing systematic reviews. Keele University Technical Report.

Facilitated by Bettina Maisch

28 July 2010 Benedikt Nies: "N.N."

Facilitated by Bettina Maisch

04 August 2010 Sascha Friesike[1] : "N.N."

No abstract available for this talk.

Download : Paper (PDF) : Presentation (PPT/PDF) : Video (MP4)

Facilitated by Facilitator Name

11 August 2010 N.N.[2] : "NN"

No abstract available for this talk.

Download : Paper (PDF) : Presentation (PPT/PDF) : Video (MP4)

Facilitated by Facilitator Name

18 August 2010 Jonathan Edelmann[3] : "N.N."

No abstract available for this talk.

Download : Paper (PDF) : Presentation (PPT/PDF) : Video (MP4)

Facilitated by Facilitator Name

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