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Ali Mani

Ali Mani

PhD, Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering (2009)
M.S., Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering (2004)
B.S., Sharif University of Technology, Mechanical Engineering (2002)


Our research is broadly defined by multiphysics problems in fluid dynamics and transport engineering. Our work contributes to the understanding of these problems primarily through theoretical tools such as techniques of applied mathematics as well as massively-parallel simulations. Numerical simulations enable quantitative visualization of the detailed physical processes which can be difficult to detect experimentally. They also provide quantitative data that guide the development of reduced-order models, which would naturally induce insight for design, optimization and control. Most of our work involves complementary interactions with experimental groups within and outside of Stanford. Specific current research topics include:(1) Electro-convection and microscale chaos near electrochemical interfaces(2) Particle-laden flows with applications in solar receivers(3) Applications of superhydrophobic surfaces for drag reduction of turbulent flows(4) Micro-bubble generation by breaking waves(5) Electrokinetics of micropores and nanopores