Biomass combustion and wildfires

Biomass smoldering Smoldering significantly contributes to the amount of biomass consumed. In wood fires, fire spread can be accelerated by the transport of embers, while fires can be restarted from…

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Supercritical flows

Energy resources and CO2 sequestration With the depletion of conventional fuel reserves, there is an increasing interest in exploration of unconventional reservoirs. This involves a complex mixture of oil, gas,…

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Supersonic flows

Particle laden high-speed flows Contour showing temperature for a particle laden high-speed flow over capsule Understanding high-speed particle-laden flows is relevant for entry to Mars atmosphere, where dust storms are…

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Data-driven Methods

Intelligent combustion submodel assignment High-fidelity combustion simulations are useful for optimizing engineering designs, and can result in reduced design costs, increased engineering performance, and lower emissions. In these simulations, the…

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Reacting flows

Hot surface ignition of fuel sprays The accidental ignition of liquid fuels is an industrial safety concern due to the storage and transport of pressurized flammable liquids near components at…

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Advanced energy-conversion concepts

Porous media combustion As emission regulations become increasingly more stringent and policies evolve to combat global climate change impacts, reducing pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions emerge as one of the…

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Jet engine and gas turbine

Modern jet engines are designed to be highly efficient while simultaneously limiting the amount of harmful emissions produced. Presently, there is a desire to develop new jet fuels which are…

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High-pressure propulsion

Rocket propulsion A flamelet-based combustion model is developed for the prediction of wall-heat transfer in rocket engines and confined combustion systems. To account for the impact of the flame due to convective…

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Transport models

Kinetics reduction An optimization procedure is used to reduce the individual species contributions to the cost function. A compromise is found between number of species in a methane-air mechanism and…

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