
Posts by 2019-458

Forecasting Bitcoin Price with Network Theory

by on March 8, 2019 8:53 am
     An interesting method I observed for predicting, specifically, Bitcoin price using networks, was in the study Forecasting Bitcoin Price with Graph Chainlets; which I highly recommend checking out (the cakcora website listed at the bottom). In the study they use a heterogeneous graph model to portray a “Bitcoin graph” composed of addresses, transactions… Read more Forecasting Bitcoin Price with Network Theory

How Cryptocurrencies are Valued by the Network of People Who Use Them

by on February 8, 2019 2:21 pm
           In this blog post I will be analyzing methods in which graph theorists analyze the network of cryptocurrency, to predict the future value of the a cryptocurrency. First, in How network theory predicts the value of Bitcoin, the article analyses Spencer Wheatley and his colleagues tactics of predicting cryptocurrency. The… Read more How Cryptocurrencies are Valued by the Network of People Who Use Them