
Posts by 2019-475

Finding Patient Zero

by on March 7, 2019 8:58 pm
The fear of epidemics is not a new concept. Viruses and other pathogens are constantly mutating, posing a threat to society as a whole. Recall the West Africa Ebola Outbreak in 2014: over 10,000 people died in the epidemic and fear that the virus would spread across the world was widespread. There were even isolated… Read more Finding Patient Zero

Ralph Northam Through Game Theory

by on February 7, 2019 11:13 pm
For context: Last week the governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam, faced calls to resign from office following the discovery of a racist photograph from 1984. Northam appeared in a picture in his medical school yearbook either in blackface or in Klan garb. Northman has apologized but not taken any steps to resign at the moment.… Read more Ralph Northam Through Game Theory