Imago Urbis: Giuseppe Vasi's Grand Tour of Rome

  090.   Spiaggia detta la Regola        

  1. Parte del Collegio de Sacerdoti
  2. Cupola di S Carlo a Catenari
  3. Chiesa de Santi Vincenzo, ed Anastasio
  4. Contrada de Vaccinari

Spiaggia means "beach", another reference to the sandy shore opposite the Renella, Plate 90A. Regola too derives from the word arena (sand) through a series of transformations: arena – Arenula – Regola. Regola is the name of Rione VII, the administrative section of the city of which this view is part. The Collegio per i Sacerdoti (1) (House for Priests) on the left is at the city end of Ponte Sisto, Plates 88, 89. The great dome of S. Carlo ai Catinari (2) Plate 136, dominates the skyline in this print even though it is located four blocks away from the river. Leading to that church is the Via di S. Maria in Monticelli whose entrance is marked at the center of the print by the vanished church of SS. Vincenzo e Anastasio (3). Vasi refers to the neighborhood on the right as the section of the city where the vaccinari (tanners) exercised their trade. This is confirmed by Nolli who records the church of S. Bartolomeo dei Vaccinari (4) in that area.


Jim Tice, Erik Steiner, Allan Ceen, and Dennis Beyer
Department of Architecture and InfoGraphics Lab, Department of Geography, University of Oregon

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