Teaching English Reflectively with Technology

An IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG publication
in collaboration with the TESOL CALL-IS

Edited by Philip Hubbard & Sophie Ioannou-Georgiou


Table of Contents


Introductory Chapter

Ordering the Book

Table of Contents


An Introduction to Teaching Languages Reflectively with Technology

     Philip Hubbard and Sophie Ioannou-Georgiou


Exploring the Effectiveness of Using Chatbots in the EFL Classroom

     Amany AlKhayat


The Hybrid Learning Design Power of WhatsApp in the Language Classroom

     Carla Arena


Reflections on How Adult Students Improve their Pronunciation with Technology

     Marcelino Arrosagaray, Ruth Breeze, & Angel Sobrino


Using Presentation Software, Peer Instruction, and Learner Reflections to Develop Communicative Skills

     Thomas E. Bieri


Creating a New Space for Learning with Blackboard

     Esther Boucher-Yip


Collaborative Reflection in an Online Intercultural Japan-Canada Exchange

     Jennifer Claro & Sawako Akai


Making Effective Use of the Reality in Virtual Reality

     Douglas Coleman & Kasumi Yamazaki


Quizlet for Learner Training and Autonomy

     Kelly J. Cunningham


The Gamification of Student Learning Outcomes

     Nick Einterz & Russell Moon


Reflections on Using Mobile Technology: Quizlet

     Susan Gaer


Lessons Learned from Classroom Research: A Social Learning Site in the Teenage Classroom

     Helen Legge & Marion Odell


Facebook Groups: A Tool for Writing Enhancement and Language Skills Development

     Grazzia Maria Mendoza


Pen Pals Go Digital: Reflecting about a Collaborative Project

     Ana Maria Menezes & Jennifer Verschoor


Google.Docs: Writing Practices and Potential Use in ESL/EFL Environments

     Ulugbek Nurmukhamedov & Irina Kerimova


Harnessing Technology to Foster Learner Autonomy via Reflection

     Lizzie Pinard


Reflections on the Virtual Boardroom: Business Presentations in the Holodeck

     Abraham Reshad, Jessy Hendrickx, Aaron Schwartz, & Greg Kessler


A Tech-Constructivist Approach to Language Learning and Teaching: Using a Film Project Application as Proof of Learning

     Christine Sabieh


Digital Storytelling as an Effective Language Learning Task

     Vicky Saumell


Enhancing Speaking Fluency in the Secondary Language Classroom with Digital Games

     Graham Stanley     


Language Learning with Machinima: Video Production in 3D Immersive Environments

     Michael Thomas & Christel Schneider


Reflections on Using E-zines in Enhancing EFL Students’ Creativity and Language Skills

     Aiden Yeh


Last modified: August 25, 2017 by Phil Hubbard