
Papers below are listed by year of publication, or by year of submission before they are published.

For papers ordered by citation count, see my google scholar profile.

Here are a few papers that give a good overview of my research. My projects page collects talks, software, and papers by topic.

AI-Driven Review Systems: Evaluating LLMs in Scalable and Bias-Aware Academic Reviews
K. Tyser, B. Segev, G. Longhitano, X. Zhang, Z. Meeks, J. Lee, U. Garg, N. Belsten, A. Shporer, M. Udell, D. Te'eni, and I. Drori

Have ASkotch: Fast Methods for Large-scale, Memory-constrained Kernel Ridge Regression
P. Rathore, Z. Frangella, and M. Udell
Submitted, 2024

OptiMUS-0.3: Using Large Language Models to Model and Solve Optimization Problems at Scale
A. AhmadiTeshnizi, W. Gao, H. Brunborg, S. Talaei, and M. Udell
Submitted, 2024

Randomized Nystr\"om Preconditioned Interior Point-Proximal Method of Multipliers
Y. Chu, L. Santos, and M. Udell
Submitted, 2024

Interpretable Prediction and Feature Selection for Survival Analysis
M. V. Ness and M. Udell
Submitted, 2024

OptiMUS: Scalable Optimization Modeling Using MIP Solvers and Large Language Models
A. AhmadiTeshnizi, W. Gao, and M. Udell
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024

Challenges in Training PINNs: A Loss Landscape Perspective
P. Rathore, W. Lei, Z. Frangella, L. Lu, and M. Udell
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024

gcimpute: A Package for Missing Data Imputation
Y. Zhao and M. Udell
Journal of Statistical Software, 2024

Scalable Approximate Optimal Diagonal Preconditioning
W. Gao, Z. Qu, M. Udell, and Y. Ye
Submitted, 2023

In Defense of Zero Imputation for Tabular Deep Learning
M. Van Ness and M. Udell
Table representation learning workshop at NeurIPS, 2023

OptiMUS: Optimization Modeling Using MIP Solvers and Large Language Models
A. AhmadiTeshnizi, W. Gao, and M. Udell

GeNIOS: an (almost) second-order operator-splitting solver for large-scale convex optimization
T. Diamandis, Z. Frangella, S. Zhao, B. Stellato, and M. Udell
In revision at Math Programming Computation, 2023

PROMISE: Preconditioned Stochastic Optimization Methods by Incorporating Scalable Curvature Estimates
P. Rathore, Z. Frangella, and M. Udell
Minor revision at JMLR, 2023

Paper reviewing and revision by ChatGPT with GPT-4 Vision at a human level
I. Drori, J. Lee, K. Tyser, A. Shporer, M. Udell, and D. Te'eni
Submitted to IUI, 2023

A Greedy Galerkin Method to Efficiently Select Sensors for Linear Dynamical Systems
D. Kouri, Z. Hua, and M. Udell
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2023

The Missing Indicator Method: From Low to High Dimensions
V. N. Mike, T. Bosschieter, R. Halpin-Gregorio, and M. Udell
29th SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - Applied Data Science Track, 2023

From Human Days to Machine Seconds: Automatically Answering and Generating Machine Learning Final Exams
I. Drori, S. J. Zhang, R. S. Shuttleworth, S. Zhang, K. Tyser, Z. Chin, P. Lantigua, S. Surbehera, G. Hunter, D. Austin, L. Tang, Y. Hicke, S. Simhon, S. Karnik, D. Granberry, and M. Udell
SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - Applied Data Science Track, 2023

Interpretable Survival Analysis for Heart Failure Risk Prediction
M. Van Ness, T. Bosschieter, N. Din, A. Ambrosy, A. Singh, and M. Udell
Machine Learning for Health (ML4H), 2023

On the (linear) convergence of Generalized Newton Inexact ADMM
Z. Frangella, S. Zhao, T. Diamandis, B. Stellato, and M. Udell
Submitted, 2023

Data-Efficient and Interpretable Tabular Anomaly Detection
C. Chang, J. Yoon, S. Arik, M. Udell, and T. Pfister
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.02034, 2023

Low-Rank Tensor Recovery with Euclidean-Norm-Induced Schatten-p Quasi-Norm Regularization
J. Fan, L. Ding, C. Yang, and M. Udell
Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2023

Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra for Optimization
M. Udell and Z. Frangella
SIAG/OPT Views and News, 2022

SketchySGD: Reliable Stochastic Optimization via Robust Curvature Estimates
Z. Frangella, P. Rathore, S. Zhao, and M. Udell
Accepted at SIMODS, 2022

Probabilistic Missing Value Imputation for Mixed Categorical and Ordered Data
Y. Zhao, A. Townsend, and M. Udell
NeurIPS, 2022

ControlBurn: Nonlinear Feature Selection with Sparse Tree Ensembles
B. Liu, M. Xie, H. Yang, and M. Udell

Resource-Constrained Neural Architecture Search on Tabular Datasets
C. Yang, G. Bender, H. Liu, P. Kindermans, M. Udell, Y. Lu, Q. Le, and D. Huang
NeurIPS, 2022

NysADMM: faster composite convex optimization via low-rank approximation
S. Zhao, Z. Frangella, and M. Udell
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2022

Towards Group Robustness in the presence of Partial Group Labels
V. S. Lokhande, K. Sohn, J. Yoon, M. Udell, C. Lee, and T. Pfister
CoRR, 2022

Randomized Nystr\"om Preconditioning
Z. Frangella, J. A. Tropp, and M. Udell
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2022

How Low Can We Go: Trading Memory for Error in Low-Precision Training
C. Yang, Z. Wu, J. Chee, C. D. Sa, and M. Udell
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2022

A Strict Complementarity Approach to Error Bound and Sensitivity of Solution of Conic Programs
L. Ding and M. Udell
Optimization Letters, 2022

Sparse Data Reconstruction, Missing Value and Multiple Imputation through Matrix Factorization
N. Sengupta, M. Udell, N. Srebro, and J. Evans
Sociological Methodology, 2022

CDF Normalization for Controlling the Distribution of Hidden Layer Activations
M. Van Ness and M. Udell
I (Still) Can't Believe It's Not Better! NeurIPS 2021 Workshop, 2021

Can we globally optimize cross-validation loss? Quasiconvexity in ridge regression
W. T. Stephenson, Z. Frangella, M. Udell, and T. Broderick
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021

Privileged Zero-Shot AutoML
N. Singh, B. Kates, J. Mentch, A. Kharkar, M. Udell, and I. Drori

An automatic system to detect equivalence between iterative algorithms
S. Zhao, L. Lessard, and M. Udell

ControlBurn: Feature Selection by Sparse Forests
B. Liu, M. Xie, and M. Udell
ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2021

TenIPS: Inverse Propensity Sampling for Tensor Completion
C. Yang, L. Ding, Z. Wu, and M. Udell
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2021

Online Missing Value Imputation and Correlation Change Detection for Mixed-type Data via Gaussian Copula
Y. Zhao, E. Landgrebe, E. Shekhtman, and M. Udell
AAAI, 2021

Robust Non-Linear Matrix Factorization for Dictionary Learning, Denoising, and Clustering
J. Fan, C. Yang, and M. Udell
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing (TSP), 2021

On the simplicity and conditioning of low rank semidefinite programs
L. Ding and M. Udell
SIAM Journal on Optimization (SIOPT), 2021

Scalable Semidefinite Programming
A. Yurtsever, J. Tropp, O. Fercoq, M. Udell, and V. Cevher
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science (SIMODS), 2021

Randomized Sketching Algorithms for Low-Memory Dynamic Optimization
R. Muthukumar, D. Kouri, and M. Udell
SIAM Journal on Optimization (SIOPT), 2021

An Optimal-Storage Approach to Semidefinite Programming using Approximate Complementarity
L. Ding, A. Yurtsever, V. Cevher, J. Tropp, and M. Udell
SIAM Journal on Optimization (SIOPT), 2021
Winner of 2017 INFORMS Optimization Society student paper prize

Impact of Accuracy on Model Interpretations
B. Liu and M. Udell

Galaxy TSP: A new billion-node benchmark for TSP
I. Drori, B. Kates, W. Sickinger, A. Kharkar, B. Dietrich, A. Shporer, and M. Udell
NeurIPS Workshop on Learning Meets Combinatorial Algorithms, 2020

Approximate Cross-Validation with Low-Rank Data in High Dimensions
W. Stephenson, M. Udell, and T. Broderick
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020

Online Mixed Missing Value Imputation Using Gaussian Copula
E. Landgrebe, Y. Zhao, and M. Udell
ICML Workshop on the Art of Learning with Missing Values (Artemiss), 2020

TenIPS: Inverse Propensity Sampling for Tensor Completion (Workshop)
C. Yang, L. Ding, Z. Wu, and M. Udell
OPT2020: 12th Annual Workshop on Optimization for Machine Learning, 2020

kFW: A Frank-Wolfe style algorithm with stronger subproblem oracles
L. Ding, J. Fan, and M. Udell
In revision at Computational Optimization and Applications, 2020

Matrix Completion with Quantified Uncertainty through Low Rank Gaussian Copula
Y. Zhao and M. Udell
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020

Learning to Solve Combinatorial Optimization Problems on Real-World Graphs in Linear Time
I. Drori, A. Kharkar, W. R. Sickinger, B. Kates, Q. Ma, S. Ge, E. Dolev, B. Dietrich, D. P. Williamson, and M. Udell
IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (IEEE ICMLA), 2020

Efficient AutoML Pipeline Search with Matrix and Tensor Factorization
C. Yang, J. Fan, Z. Wu, and M. Udell

Zero-shot AutoML
I. Drori, L. Liu, Q. Ma, B. Kates, and M. Udell
Annual Machine Learning Symposium, 2020

Real-time AutoML
I. Drori, L. Liu, Q. Ma, J. Deykin, B. Kates, and M. Udell

An Information-Theoretic Approach to Persistent Environment Monitoring Through Low Rank Model Based Planning and Prediction
E. Ricci, M. Udell, and R. Knepper

AutoML Pipeline Selection: Efficiently Navigating the Combinatorial Space
C. Yang, J. Fan, Z. Wu, and M. Udell
ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2020

Polynomial Matrix Completion for Missing Data Imputation and Transductive Learning
J. Fan, Y. Zhang, and M. Udell
Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020

Missing Value Imputation for Mixed Data Through Gaussian Copula
Y. Zhao and M. Udell
ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2020

Low-Rank Tucker Approximation of a Tensor From Streaming Data
Y. Sun, Y. Guo, C. Luo, J. Tropp, and M. Udell
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science (SIMODS), 2020

SysML: The New Frontier of Machine Learning Systems
A. Ratner, D. Alistarh, G. Alonso, D. G. Andersen, P. Bailis, S. Bird, N. Carlini, B. Catanzaro, E. Chung, B. Dally, J. Dean, I. S. Dhillon, A. G. Dimakis, P. Dubey, C. Elkan, G. Fursin, G. R. Ganger, L. Getoor, P. B. Gibbons, G. A. Gibson, J. E. Gonzalez, J. Gottschlich, S. Han, K. M. Hazelwood, F. Huang, M. Jaggi, K. G. Jamieson, M. I. Jordan, G. Joshi, R. Khalaf, J. Knight, J. Konecn\'y, T. Kraska, A. Kumar, A. Kyrillidis, J. Li, S. Madden, H. B. McMahan, E. Meijer, I. Mitliagkas, R. Monga, D. G. Murray, D. S. Papailiopoulos, G. Pekhimenko, T. Rekatsinas, A. Rostamizadeh, C. R\'e, C. D. Sa, H. Sedghi, S. Sen, V. Smith, A. Smola, D. Song, E. R. Sparks, I. Stoica, V. Sze, M. Udell, J. Vanschoren, S. Venkataraman, R. Vinayak, M. Weimer, A. G. Wilson, E. P. Xing, M. Zaharia, C. Zhang, and A. Talwalkar
CoRR, 2019

Factor Group-Sparse Regularization for Efficient Low-Rank Matrix Recovery
J. Fan, L. Ding, Y. Chen, and M. Udell
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2019

AutoML using Metadata Language Embeddings
I. Drori, L. Liu, S. Koorathota, N. Yi, J. Li, A. Moretti, J. Freire, and M. Udell
NeurIPS Workshop on Meta-Learning, 2019

OBOE: Collaborative Filtering for AutoML Model Selection
C. Yang, Y. Akimoto, D. Kim, and M. Udell
ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2019
Oral presentation

``Why should you trust my explanation?'' Understanding uncertainty in LIME explanations
Y. Zhang, K. Song, Y. Sun, S. Tan, and M. Udell
ICML Workshop AI for Social Good, 2019

Streaming Low-Rank Matrix Approximation with an Application to Scientific Simulation
J. Tropp, A. Yurtsever, M. Udell, and V. Cevher
SIAM Scientific Computing (SISC), 2019

Big Data is Low Rank
M. Udell
SIAG/OPT Views and News, 2019

Online High-Rank Matrix Completion
J. Fan and M. Udell
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019
Oral Presentation

Optimal Design of Efficient Rooftop Photovoltaic Arrays
M. Udell and O. Toole
INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics (Interfaces), 2019
Second place in 2017 INFORMS Doing Good with Good OR Paper Competition

Fairness Under Unawareness: Assessing Disparity When Protected Class Is Unobserved
J. Chen, N. Kallus, X. Mao, G. Svacha, and M. Udell
FAT*: Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 2019

Why are Big Data Matrices Approximately Low Rank?
M. Udell and A. Townsend
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science (SIMODS), 2019

Dynamic Assortment Personalization in High Dimensions
N. Kallus and M. Udell
Operations Research, 2019

Tensor Random Projection for Low Memory Dimension Reduction
Y. Sun, Y. Guo, J. Tropp, and M. Udell
NeurIPS Workshop on Relational Representation Learning, 2018

More Practical Sketching Algorithms for Low-Rank Matrix Approximation
J. Tropp, A. Yurtsever, M. Udell, and V. Cevher
California Institute of Technology ACM Technical Report 2018-01, 2018

OBOE: Collaborative Filtering for AutoML Initialization (workshop version)
C. Yang, Y. Akimoto, D. Kim, and M. Udell
NeurIPS Workshop on Automated Machine Learning, 2018

Limited Memory Kelley's Method Converges for Composite Convex and Submodular Objectives
S. Zhou, S. Gupta, and M. Udell
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2018
Spotlight presentation

Causal Inference with Noisy and Missing Covariates via Matrix Factorization
N. Kallus, X. Mao, and M. Udell
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2018

Frank-Wolfe Style Algorithms for Large Scale Optimization
L. Ding and M. Udell
Large-Scale and Distributed Optimization, 2018

Fixed-Rank Approximation of a Positive-Semidefinite Matrix from Streaming Data
J. Tropp, A. Yurtsever, M. Udell, and V. Cevher
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2017

Graph-Regularized Generalized Low Rank Models
M. Paradkar and M. Udell
CVPR Workshop on Tensor Methods in Computer Vision, 2017

Sketchy Decisions: Convex Low-Rank Matrix Optimization with Optimal Storage
A. Yurtsever, M. Udell, J. Tropp, and V. Cevher
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2017
Oral Presentation

Disciplined Multi-Convex Programming
X. Shen, S. Diamond, M. Udell, Y. Gu, and S. Boyd
Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2017
Best Student Paper

Practical Sketching Algorithms for Low-Rank Matrix Approximation
J. Tropp, A. Yurtsever, M. Udell, and V. Cevher
SIAM Journal of Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX), 2017

The Sound of APALM Clapping: Faster Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization with Stochastic Asynchronous PALM
D. Davis, B. Edmunds, and M. Udell
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2016

Discovering Patient Phenotypes Using Generalized Low Rank Models
A. Schuler, V. Liu, J. Wan, A. Callahan, M. Udell, D. Stark, and N. Shah
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB), 2016

Revealed Preference at Scale: Learning Personalized Preferences from Assortment Choices
N. Kallus and M. Udell
The 2016 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 2016

Learning Preferences from Assortment Choices in a Heterogeneous Population
N. Kallus and M. Udell
ICML Workshop on Computational Frameworks for Personalization, 2016

Generalized Low Rank Models
M. Udell, C. Horn, R. Zadeh, and S. Boyd
Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, 2016

Bounding Duality Gap for Separable Problems with Linear Constraints
M. Udell and S. Boyd
Computational Optimization and Applications, 2016

Generalized Low Rank Models
M. Udell
Stanford University Thesis, 2015

Revenue Maximization for Broadband Service Providers Using Revenue Capacity
H. Mehmood, M. Udell, and J. Cioffi
IEEE Global Communications Conference, 2015

PCA on a Data Frame
M. Udell and S. Boyd

Factorization for Analog-to-Digital Matrix Multiplication
E. Lee, M. Udell, and S. Wong
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2015

Beyond Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
M. Udell and S. Boyd
Biomedical Computation Review, 2014

Convex Optimization in Julia
M. Udell, K. Mohan, D. Zeng, J. Hong, S. Diamond, and S. Boyd
SC14 Workshop on High Performance Technical Computing in Dynamic Languages, 2014

Generalized Low Rank Models
M. Udell, C. Horn, R. Zadeh, and S. Boyd
NeurIPS Workshop on Distributed Machine Learning and Matrix Computations, 2014

Incorporation of Flexible Objectives and Time-linked Simulation with Flux Balance Analysis
E. Birch, M. Udell, and M. Covert
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2014

Maximizing a Sum of Sigmoids
M. Udell and S. Boyd

Linear Bandits, Matrix Completion, and Recommendation Systems
M. Udell and R. Takapoui
NeurIPS Workshop on Large Scale Matrix Analysis and Inference, 2013

Analyzing Patterns of Drug Use in Clinical Notes for Patient Safety
P. LePendu, Y. Liu, S. Iyer, M. Udell, and N. Shah
Proceedings of the AMIA Summits on Translational Science, 2012