My Writing

I write sci-fi stories (in Chinese). Here are selected stories by me.

Solitary In The Wild, published in Petrel, Jan 2024.

《独隐绿原》, 刊于《海燕》, 2024年1月

All But Life Are Lively, published in Petrel, Apr 2023.

《生命之外,一切生机勃勃》, 刊于《海燕》, 2023年4月

Folding Fan, published in Galaxy's Edge, Feb 2023

《折扇》, 刊于《银河边缘》, 2023年2月

Ata-Muli, published in Future Affairs Administration,  Dec 2020.

《阿塔穆里》, 刊于《不存在科幻》, 2020年12月

The Answer, published in Science Fiction WorldMay 2016.

《答案》, 刊于《科幻世界》, 2016年5月

I am most thankful to Ken Liu for his stories inspired me to start writing (although he doesn't know me). I really hope to meet him someday!