9th IWSHM 2013 - Awards

Student Best Paper Award IWSHM Awards

Click here to download the information about eligibility, nomination and selection procedure.

The IWSHM organizing committee is pleased to invite students to submit abstracts for the 2013 IWSHM Student Best Paper Award Competition.

I. Eligibility

1. Students at the undergraduate and graduate level at the time of submission are eligible to compete.
2. Students must be first author on the papers and must present their work at the workshop to compete.
3. Advisors are not permitted to be co-authors on more than one paper

II. Nomination Criteria

All the student authors are considered candidates for this Award. Originality and technical excellence are the two main criteria for selection

III. Award Committee

The Award Committee is formed by the chairman of the award committee. They may propose among the articles from the sessions of their specialty, one or two papers which may be candidates for the Award, justifying their proposal.

IV. Selection Procedure

Students must submit an abstract on the February 1, 2013 deadline. If their abstract is accepted, then the full length paper must be submitted on May 15, 2013. Papers will then be evaluated by a committee of experts from academia, industry, and the research community. The evaluation criteria are provided in detail below to help guide students in their manuscripts and presentations. Good luck!
Written manuscript
A. Numerical score: Value = 75 % of evaluation
Maximum numerical score shall be 100.
Each criterion shall have a maximum numerical score of 10.
Evaluation criteria and weighting of each criterion are:
1. Personal Contribution, Weight = 2.0
2. Originality, Weight = 2.5
3. Technical Content and Quality, Weight = 2.5
4. Relevance of Contribution, Weight = 1.5
5. Organization and Clarity, Weight = 1.5
B. Written comments: Value = 25 % of evaluation

V. Award Presentation

During the Workshop, a plaque accompanied by a check will be presented by the Chairman of the Award Committee.
The Chairman of the Award Committee and the Chairman of the Workshop are in charge of organizing the Award presentation ceremony.

VI. Chairman of the Award Committee

Prof. Jerome Lynch, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)
E-mail: jerlynch@umich.edu