9th IWSHM 2013 - Awards

Click here to download IWSHM 2013 Awards flyer.

SHM Lifetime Achievement Award IWSHM Awards

An individual in the SHM community who has championed SHM over their career by advancing the state-of-the-art through their meritorious accomplishments in research, applications, education or sponsorship of the discipline will be selected to receive the prestigious SHM Lifetime Achievement Award by a committee of researchers, educators and practicing scientists and engineers.

This award is sponsored by Boeing.

List of past recipients:
2003: Charles Farrar, Los Alamos National Laboratory
2004: Fu-Kuo Chang, Stanford University
2007: Peter Cawley, Imperial College
2009: Dan Inman, Univ. of Michigan;
         Christian Boller, Fraunhofer Inst. of NDT
2011: Alfredo Guemes, Univ Politecnica de Madrid
2013: Keith Worden, The University of Sheffield

Click here for more information about eligibility, nomination and selection procedure.

SHM Person of the Year Award IWSHM Awards

A structural health monitoring person of the year (SHM-POY) will be selected by the editors and associate editors of Structural Health Monitoring: An International Journal. The Person of the Year should have made an outstanding contribution to the field of SHM that will benefit society. This contribution can be in the form of theory, analysis, applications, education, or other ways that support the discipline of SHM and benefit society. The award is meant to recognize accomplishments within the past year or few years.

This award is sponsored by SAGE (specific award details to be announced later).

List of past recipients:
2003: Douglas E. Adams, Purdue University;
         Victor Giurgiutiu, University of South Carolina
2004: Keith Worden, University of Sheffield;
         Wieslaw J. Staszewski, University of Sheffield
2005: Michael D. Todd, University of California, San Diego
2006: Mark Schulz, University of Cincinnati
2007: Francesco Lanza di Scalea, University of California, San Diego
         Gyuhae Park, Los Alamos National Laboratory
2008: Tribikram Kundu, University of Arizona
2009: Jerome P. Lynch, University of Michigan
2010: Claus-Peter Fritzen, University of Siegen
2011: Hoon Sohn, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology;
         Billie F. Spencer, UIUC
2012: Zhongqing Su, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2013: Branko Glisic, Princeton University;
         Fuh-Gwo Yuan, NC State University;

Click here for more information about eligibility, nomination and selection procedure.

SHM Hans-Juergen Schmidt Award IWSHM Awards

Individuals in the SHM community, recognized for their outstanding leadership in advancing technologies in industry and government, will be selected by an Award Committee representative of the world-wide SHM community to receive during every SHM workshop (International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring [IWSHM], European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring [EWSHM] and Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring [APWSHM]) the SHM Hans-Juergen Schmidt Award.

This award is sponsored by IWSHM committee.

List of past recipients:
2005: Mark Derriso, Air Force Research Laboratory
2006: Dr. Peter Lloyd, Ministry of Defence, UK
2007: Dr. Shih-Chi Liu, NSF
2008: no nominations
2009: Dr. Felix Wu, NIST
2010: no nominations
2011: Treven Baker, US Army Aviation
2012: Paulo Achieta da Silva, Embraer
2013: Helmut Wenzel, University of Life Sciences, Vienna

Click here for more information about eligibility, nomination and selection procedure.

The Achenbach Medal IWSHM Awards

The Achenbach Medal has been created to recognize an individual (within 10 years of PhD) who has made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of the field of Structural Health Monitoring. It is an international award and nominations from all over the world are encouraged.

This award is sponsored by Embraer (specific award details to be announced later).

List of past recipients:
2010: Sourav Banerjee, University of South Carolina
2011: Andrei N. Zagrai, New Mexico Technological University
2012: Piero Rizzo, University of Pittsburgh
2013: Kenneth J. Loh, University of California Davis

Click here for more information about eligibility, nomination and selection procedure.

Best Paper Award IWSHM Awards

The SHM Best Paper Award is presented to one or more individuals whose paper(s) are selected to have the highest quality and innovation from the Proceedings of the 2011 IWSHM. The Award Committee is formed by all the Session Chairmen for this Workshop. They may propose among the articles from the sessions of their specialty, one or two papers which may be candidates for the Award, justifying their proposal.

This award is sponsored by Boeing.

Click here for more information about eligibility, nomination and selection procedure.

Student Best Paper Award IWSHM Awards

The IWSHM organizing committee is pleased to invite students to submit abstracts for the 2013 IWSHM Student Best Paper Award Competition. Papers will then be evaluated by a committee of experts from academia, industry, and the research community.

This award is sponsored by DEStech Publications (specific award details to be announced later).

Click here for more information about eligibility, nomination and selection procedure.

The Most Practical SHM Solutions for Aerospace Award IWSHM Awards

Airbus is proud to sponsor a prize for the Most Practical SHM Solutions for Aerospace to be demonstrated in SHM in Action. The session will be judged by a panel of representatives from industry and government. The prize will be awarded at the end of the session.

This award is sponsored by Airbus (specific award details to be announced later).

List of past recipients:
2013: Franklin Li, Acellent Technologies, Inc (http://www.acellent.com)

The Most Practical SHM Solutions for Civil / Mechanical Systems Award IWSHM Awards

Verizon will sponsor the Most Practical SHM Solution for Civil & Mechanical Systems to be demonstrated in the SHM in Action. The session will be judged by a panel of representatives from industry and government. The prize will be awarded at the end of the session.

This award is sponsored by Verizon (specific award details to be announced later).

List of past recipients:
2013: Franklin Li, Acellent Technologies, Inc (http://www.acellent.com)