9th IWSHM 2013 - Awards

SHM Lifetime Achievement Award IWSHM Awards

Click here to download the information about eligibility, nomination and selection procedure.

An individual in the SHM community who has championed SHM over their career by advancing the state-of-the-art through their meritorious accomplishments in research, technology transfer (commercialization), education, and service to the SHM community will be selected to receive the prestigious SHM Lifetime Achievement Award by a committee of researchers, educators and practicing scientists and engineers. The award, criteria, nomination packet requirements and awards committee are outlined below.

I. Eligibility

Any individual is eligible to receive the award; however, it is anticipated that only the most distinguished members of the SHM community will possess the rich history of achievement that this prestigious award is intended to recognize.

II. Nomination Procedure

The nomination package should include a) a narrative (maximum three 8.5 x 11 single-sides pages, 12 pt. font, single-spaced, one-inch margins) describing the contributions and their impact, which should include all figures, references, graphs, citations, etc. and b) Nominee's CV, up to three letter of support. Self-nominations are not permitted.

III. Award Committee

Faculty members from academic institutions, industrialists with a broad view of technology, researchers with an ability to assess commercial impacts of scholarly research and knowledge of SHM and its unique mission.

IV. Selection Procedure

In an effort to recognize an assortment of outstanding achievements in SHM by an individual, the evaluation criteria focus on the impact of the individual's contributions. Nominees who have made the most impact during their careers in the form of, for example, "citation classic" papers, a fundamental technical advance or invention that has had substantial scientific and/or commercial ramifications, a record of supporting research and developments by establishing strong research or industrial programs, educational programs and mentoring of young people within the community, etc. will be highly considered.

V. Award Presentation

During the Workshop, a plaque accompanied by a check will be presented by the Chairman of the Award Committee.
The Chairman of the Award Committee and the Chairman of the Workshop are in charge of organizing the Award presentation ceremony

VI. Chairman of the Award Committee

Chuck Farrar
E-mail: farrar@lanl.gov

Please send your nomination packages to Chuck Farrar (farrar@lanl.gov) as soon as possible.