Abstract/Paper Submission

Full-length paper submission deadline is extended till June 1, 2013.

All papers have to be submitted through the paper submission website only. Please attach your signed copyright form at the end of your full-length paper and upload a single pdf file.

Note: There is no need to send the full-length paper through e-mail. Paper submission guidelines have been updated.

Click here to submit your paper.

"To highlight the technical contributions being made by authors of original papers submitted to the International Workshop of Structural Health Monitoring, a selection committee will identify a subset of papers to be published in a special issue of Structural Health Monitoring, the premier international journal in the field. Authors will be contacted during or after the workshop if their papers have been selected." Douglas E. Adams, Managing Editor, Structural Health Monitoring.

Important Dates

Website opens for abstract submission: October 15, 2012
Abstract deadline (Extended): February 15, 2013
Author notification: March 10, 2013 (Revised)
Full length paper due (Extended): June 1, 2013
Workshop: September 10-12, 2013

Click here to download call for papers (IWSHM 2013).

Paper & Poster Templates and Guidelines

Click here for poster guidelines.

Click here for paper guidelines.

List of Topics

Click here for list of all topics.

Click here for list of special session topics (Papers from Invited Speakers Only).