9th IWSHM 2013 - Awards

SHM Hans-Juergen Schmidt Award IWSHM Awards

Click here to download the information about eligibility, nomination and selection procedure.

Individuals in the SHM community, recognized for their outstanding leadership in advancing technologies in industry and government, will be selected by an Award Committee representative of the world-wide SHM community to receive during every SHM workshop (International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring [IWSHM], European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring [EWSHM] and Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring [APWSHM]) the SHM Hans-Juergen Schmidt Award. The Award, evaluation criteria, Award Committee composition, nomination and selection procedures are described below.

I. Eligibility

Any individual from government agencies and industry of the world region (Americas, Europe or Asia-Pacific) of the SHM Workshop being considered is eligible.

II. Nomination Criteria

The Structural Health Monitoring Hans-Juergen Schmidt Award is established to recognize an individual for his or her outstanding leadership in advancing technologies in industry and government.
The Award is named after Hans-Juergen Schmidt, whose views and efforts have made a significant impact on the progress of Structural Health Monitoring technologies in industry.

III. Award Committee

The gathering of all the members of the Scientific or Steering Committees of the three workshops constitutes the Award Committee. This Award Committee can be considered as most representative of the world-wide SHM community, gathering faculty members from academic institutions, researchers from the main research institutions and industrialists with a broad view of technology.
The Award Committee Chairman will be chosen from among the Award Committee members by the Chairmen of the three Workshops for a 2-year term in office. His primary responsibility is to make sure the committee functions and, based on the votes from the Award Committee members, to rank the candidates.

IV. Nomination Procedure

The nominator must be a member of the Scientific or Steering Committee of the Workshop that is responsible for the award ceremony. The nomination letter, limited to four letter-size pages (1 inch margins, Times Roman 12 font) shall contain a candidate's bio as it relates to SHM activities, a description of the candidate's contributions and their impact, and a closing summary of what sets this candidate apart from others in the field. A full CV of the candidate may also be attached at the nominator's discretion. Self-nominations are not permitted.
The nomination letter shall be sent directly to the Award Committee Chairman at least two months before the Workshop.

V. Selection Procedure

The letters of nomination will be sent by the Chairman of the Award Committee to all the members of the Award Committee. They will have one month to review the nominations and to send to the Award Committee Chairman their votes for their top three choices.

VI. Award Presentation

During the Workshop, a plaque accompanied by a check will be presented by the Chairman of the Award Committee. The Chairman of the Award Committee and the Chairman of the Workshop are in charge of organizing the Award presentation ceremony.

VII. Chairman of the Award Committee

Claus-Peter Fritzen
Prof. Institut für Mechanik und Regelungstechnik
Technische Mechanik Group
Room: PB-A 211
Paul-Bonatz-Straße 9-11 57076 Siegen
Germany Tel: 0271/740-4621/4622/4633 Fax: 0271/740-2769
Web: http://www.uni-siegen.de/fb11/imr3/?lang=de
E-mail: fritzen@imr.mb.uni-siegen.de