STANFORD UNIVERSITY   |   Department of Economics




Donald J. Harris


Books, Articles, Reports and Commentary



List of Topics


1.  Value, Capital, Distribution

2.  Growth and Development

3.  Alternative Approaches

4.  US Economy 

5.  Jamaica and Caribbean Economies 



1.  Value, Capital, Distribution


"Capital, Distribution, and the Aggregate Production Function," American Economic Review, 63, March 1973, 100‑113.

[reprinted in Sraffian Economics, Vol. 1, Ian Steedman, ed., London: Edward Elgar, 1988].


"Um Post Mortem a ‘Parabola’ Neoclassica," Pesquisa e Planejamento Economico (Brazil), December 1974, 563‑599.


Capital Accumulation and Income Distribution, Stanford University Press,1978.

Japanese Translation, Nihon-Keizai-Hyoron-Sha Publishing Co., Tokyo, 1983.

Spanish Translation, Fondo de Cultura Economica, Mexico, l986.


"A Post-Mortem on the Neoclassical ‘Parable’," in Growth, Profits, and Property, E. J. Nell (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980, 43‑63.



"Profits, Productivity, and Thrift: The Neoclassical Theory of Capital and Distribution Revisited," Journal of Post‑Keynesian Economics, 3(3), Spring 1981, 359‑382.


"On the Timing of Wage Payments," Cambridge Journal of Economics, 5(4), December 1981, 369‑381.


"The Complex Dynamics of the Simple Ricardian System," (with Amit Bhaduri), Quarterly Journal of Economics, 102(4), November 1987, 893‑901.


"On the Classical Theory of Competition", Cambridge Journal of Economics, 12(1), March 1988, 139‑167.


"Sraffa's Circular Process and the Concepts of Vertical Integration: Comment," in Essays on Piero Sraffa, K. Bharadwaj & B. Schefold (eds.), London: Unwin Hyman, 1990, 250‑252.



"Equilibrium and Stability in Classical Theory," in Nicholas Kaldor and Mainstream Economics, E. J. Nell & W. Semmler, eds., London: Macmillan, 1991, 88‑100.


[reprinted in Equilibrium, Vol. 1, D. A. Walker (ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, 2000].


Robinson on ‘History versus Equilibrium’,” in Joan Robinson’s Economics, A Centennial Celebration, Bill Gibson (ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, 2005, 81-108.



Capital, Technology and Time,” Contributions to Political Economy, 41(1), June 2022, 180-188.



2.  Growth and Development


"Inflation, Income Distribution, and Capital Accumulation in a Two‑Sector Model of Growth," The Economic Journal, Vol. 77, December 1967, 814‑833.


"Price Behavior in India: An Examination of Professor Raj's Hypothesis,"       Indian Economic Review, 4(2), October 1969, 147‑156.


"Income, Prices, and the Balance of Payments in Underdeveloped Economies: A Short‑run Model," Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 22, No. 2, July 1970, 156‑172.


"Feasible Growth with Specificity of Capital and Surplus Labor," Economic Inquiry, 10(1),  March 1972, 65‑75.


"Economic Growth with Limited Import Capacity," Economic Development and Cultural Change," April 1972, 524‑528.


"The Price Policy of Firms, Employment, and Distribution in the Short Run," Australian Economic Papers, June 1974, 144‑151.


"The Theory of Economic Growth: A Critique and Reformulation," American Economic Review, May 1975, 329‑337.

[reprinted in Growth, Profits, and Property, E. J. Nell (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980].


"Wages and Accumulation of Capital," in Economic Theory and Policies for Growth, Mexico: Centro de Investigacion y Docencia Economicas, 1978.


"Income Distribution and Economic Development in Under‑Developed Economies," Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, No. 3/4, June/December 1981, 180‑187.


"Structural Change and Economic Growth: A Review Article," Contributions to Political Economy, 1, 1982, 25‑45. [pre-print].


"The Adjustment Process and the Monetary System: Comment," in Distribution, Effective Demand, and International Economic Relations, J. A. Kregel (ed.), London: Macmillan, 1983, 173‑175.


"The Theory of Economic Growth: From Steady States to Uneven Development," in Issues in Contemporary Macroeconomics and Distribution, George R. Feiwel (ed.), London: Macmillan, 1985, 378‑394.



"A Model of the Productivity Gap: Convergence or Divergence?" in Learning and Technological Change, R. Thomson (ed.), New York: St. Martin's Press, 1993, 100‑114.


"Endogenous Learning and Economic Growth," in International Encyclopedia  of Economics of Education, Second Edition, M. Carnoy (ed.), Oxford: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1995, 199-205.


"Classical Growth Model," in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition, S. N. Durlauf and L. E. Blume (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.



"Uneven Development," in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition, S. N. Durlauf and L. E. Blume (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.



Giving substance to economic justice”, IPPR Progressive Review, 25(2), 2018, 123-125.



3.  Alternative Approaches


Book Review, Diagnosis of the Brazilian Crisis by Celso Furtado, Quarterly Review of Economics and Business, (University of Illinois), Winter 1966, 83‑86.


"Introduction," in Economic Theory of the Leisure Class by N. I. Bukharin, New York: Monthly Review Press, 1972.


"On Marx's Scheme of Reproduction and Accumulation," Journal of Political Economy, 80(3), Part I, May/June 1972, 505‑522.

[reprinted in The Economics of Marx, M. C. Howard & J. E. King (eds.), Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1976, 185‑202].


“The Theory of Capital,” (with D. P. Levine), in Economic Studies: Contributions to the Critique of Economic Theory, D.P. Levine, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977, 202-230.


"Accumulation of Capital and the Rate of Profit in Marxian Theory," Cambridge Journal of Economics, 7, September/December 1983, 311‑330.


"Value, Exchange, and Capital," in Rethinking Marxism, Essays for Harry Magdoff & Paul Sweezy, S. Resnick & R. Wolff (eds.), New York: Autonomedia, 1985, 151‑183.


"The Organic Composition of Capital and Capitalist Development," (with Robert E. Rowthorn), in Rethinking Marxism, Essays for Harry Magdoff & Paul Sweezy, S. Resnick & R. Wolff (eds.), New York: Autonomedia,1985, 345‑357.


"Are There Macroeconomic Laws?  The Law of the Falling Rate of Profit Reconsidered," in The Economic Law of Motion of Modern Society: A Marx‑Keynes‑Schumpeter Centennial, M. J. Wagener & J. W. Drukker (eds.), New York:Cambridge University Press, 1986, 49‑63.



"Nikolai I. Bukharin," in The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, Second Edition, S. N. Durlauf and L. E. Blume (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.



4.  U. S. Economy


“Malcolm X. The man and his mission”, Gleaner (Kingston, Jamaica), April 4, 1965 & April 11, 1965.


"The 1967 Budget and the Postwar Economy," Illinois Business Review, Vol.23, No. 2, 1966, 6‑8.


Bonuses, Quotas, and the Employment of Black Workers: Comment,” Review of Black Political Economy, 1(4), Summer 1971, 126-129.


"The Black Ghetto as 'Internal Colony': A Theoretical Critique and Alternative Formulation," Review of Black Political Economy, 2(4), Summer 1972, 3‑33.



Marxian Exploitation and Domestic Colonialism: a Reply,” Review of Black Political Economy, 4(4), December 1974, 89-90.


"Capitalist Exploitation and Black Labor: Some Conceptual Issues," Review of Black Political Economy, 8(2), Winter 1978, 113‑151.


"Economic Growth, Structural Change, and the Relative Income Status of Blacks in the U. S. Economy, 1947‑78," Review of Black Political Economy, 12(3), March 1983, 75-92.

[reprinted in New Perspectives on Unemployment, B. A. P. Jones (ed.), New Brunswick: Transaction Books, 1984, 75‑92].


"The Strategy of Macroeconomic Policy and Black Americans: Comment," Review of Black Political Economy, 13(1/2), Summer/Fall 1984, 56‑59.


Black Economic Progress, An Agenda for the 1990s, Margaret C. Simms (ed.), Joint Center for Political Studies, Washington, DC, 1988.

"Growth and Equity: Complements or Opposites?" Review of Black Political Economy, 21(3), Winter 1993, 65‑72.


Universal health care: mandates or not?Stanford Daily, February 6, 2008. [pre-print]




5.  Jamaica and Caribbean Economies


"Econometric Analysis of Household Consumption in Jamaica," Social and Economic Studies, 13(4), 1964, 471‑487.


"Saving and Foreign Trade as Constraints in Economic Growth: A Study of Jamaica," Social and Economic Studies, 19(2), June 1970, 147‑177.


"Notes on the Question of a National Minimum Wage for Jamaica," in Essays on Power and Change in Jamaica, C. Stone & A. Brown (eds.), Jamaica: University of the West Indies, 1976, 282‑305.

[reprinted in Politics and State in the Third World, Harry Goulbourne (ed.), London: Macmillan, 1979, 157-177].


"Savings Allocation and Economic Growth: Comment," in Methods and Techniques to Mobilize Savings in Jamaica, Jamaica: National Savings Committee, March 1977, 76‑84.


Book Review, Labour in the West Indies by W. A. Lewis, Transition (Georgetown: University of Guyana), Vol. 2, No. 1, 1979, 71‑74.


"Market Size, Industrialization, and Regional Integration," Social and Economic Studies, 29(4), December 1980, 76‑84.


Caribbean Economies in Transition: Problems and Prospects of Structural Adjustment,” Conference on Viable Economic Growth and Social Alternatives in Central America and the Caribbean, Center for Latin American Studies, Stanford University, October 1983.


"Notes on Jamaica's External Debt: Comments," in The Debt Problem in Jamaica, O. Davies (ed.), Jamaica: University of the West Indies, 1986, 74‑81.


"The Circuit of Capital and the ‘Labor Problem’ in Capitalist Development,"  Social and Economic Studies, 37(1 & 2), March‑June 1988, 15‑31.


Capital Accumulation and Resource Allocation in an Import Constrained Economy,” Kingston: Planning Institute of Jamaica, June 1990.


"Non-Traditional Exports from Caribbean Countries: A Comparative Analysis of Performance," Development Policy, Inter-American Development Bank, December 1993, 1-3.


"The Jamaican Economy in the 21st Century: Challenges to Development and Requirements of a Response," in Jamaica: Preparing for the 21st Century, Planning Institute of Jamaica, Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers, 1994, 13-52.


'Better' education, trade breaks hurt Caribbean nations, economist says”, Stanford University News Service, 10/19/1994.


When Higher Education Doesn’t Pay: A Caribbean Example,” Stanford University Campus Report, October 26,1994.


"Determinants of Aggregate Export Performance of Caribbean-Basin Countries," Working Paper Series #201, Inter-American Development Bank, Washington DC, January 1995.


Exchange Rate Policy: Staying the Course,” The Money Index, Kingston, Jamaica, February 1-14, 1995, 17-19.


A Model of Output and Investment for a Small Export Economy with Trade Preferences (Quotas), Imperfect Capital Market, and Transaction Costs,” May 1, 1995.


An Approach to Industrial Policy for Jamaica, Kingston: Planning Institute of Jamaica, May 1995.


"Finance, Investment, and Growth: Economic Policy for Caribbean Economies in the Next (Quarter) Century," in Whither the Caribbean Region?, K. Worrell and A. Gonzales (eds.), Barbados: Caribbean Development Bank, 1996, 37-63.


National Industrial Policy, a Strategic Plan for Growth and Development, Kingston: Jamaica Information Service, April 1996.


"Development through Innovation - A Jamaican Model," JAMPRO/UNIDO, Kingston, Jamaica, October 1996.


Jamaica’s Export Economy: Towards a Strategy of Export-led Growth, Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers, 1997.


“Finance, Investment and Growth: Analysis of Performance and Policy in Caribbean Economies,” in Money, Growth, Distribution and Structural Change, J. R. Teixeira (ed.), Proceedings of International Colloquium, Universidade de Brasilia, April 2-4, 1997.


National Industrial Policy, Review and Assessment of Performance in the First Year, Kingston: Jamaica Information Service, July 1997.


Approaches to the Problem of Productivity in the Jamaican Economy: Analysis and Policy,” (with Ute Schumacher), Working Paper No. 1, Technical Secretariat, Development Council, September 1997.


The Productivity Problem in the Jamaican Economy: What Role for ‘Productivity Incentive Schemes’,”? (with Ute Schumacher), Working Paper No. 2, Technical Secretariat, Development Council, March 6, 1998.


Macroeconomic Stability and Growth: a Policy Analysis,” in Economic Dynamics and Economic Policy, Proceedings of International Colloquium II, Editora Universa, Universidade Catolica de Brasilia, Brazil, May 27-29, 1999.


“Towards an Export-led Strategy for Jamaica: Lessons from Experience with the National Industrial Policy,” First National Economic Forum on Economic Growth Agenda, Jamaica Chamber of Commerce, Kingston, Jamaica, October 13-14, 2009.


“The Debt-Propelled Economy: a Failed Economic Strategy,” The Daily Gleaner, October 25, November 1 & November 8, 2009.


Jamaica’s Debt-Propelled Economy: a Failed Economic Strategy and its Aftermath,” Working Paper Series No. 1, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies, Jamaica: University of the West Indies, 2010.


A Growth-Inducement Strategy for Jamaica in the Short and Medium Term, G. Hutchinson and D. J. Harris (eds.), Kingston: Planning Institute of Jamaica, 2012.



Resolving the Supposed ‘Puzzle’ of Low Growth Rate and High Investment Rate in the Jamaican Economy,” in A Growth-Inducement Strategy for Jamaica in the Short and Medium Term, G. Hutchinson and D. J. Harris (eds.), Planning Institute of Jamaica, 2012, 133-150.


Assessment of the Constraints to Economic Growth in Jamaica,” in A Growth-Inducement Strategy for Jamaica in the Short and Medium Term, G. Hutchinson and D. J. Harris (eds.), Planning Institute of Jamaica, 2012, 151-176.