Meet the teaching team

Photo of Keith Schwarz
πŸ“š Instructor
πŸ“© Email Keith
Office Hours
πŸ•˜ Tuesdays, 10AM-12PM Pacific
πŸ•˜ Chat About Anything: Fridays, 3-5PM Pacific
Photo of Neel Kishnani
πŸ“š Head TA
πŸ“© Email Neel
Office Hours
πŸ•˜ Tuesdays, 3-5PM Pacific
πŸ•˜ Fridays 12:30-2:30PM Pacific

One of our awesome section leaders Selaine hosts FLI office hours during the week as well. See our Ed page for more details!

Common questions about section leading

How do I become a section leader someday?

You can apply during/after completing 106B. Come join us! Information about applying can be found on the CS 198 Website.