
Date Lecture Materials
Fri, Mar. 15 27. Wrap
Wed, Mar. 13 26. Applied Ethics
Mon, Mar. 11 25. Dijkstra, A*, and Topological Sort
Fri, Mar. 8 24. Graph Algorithms
Wed, Mar. 6 23. Hashing
Mon, Mar. 4 22. Huffman Coding
Fri, Mar. 1 21. More on Binary Trees
Wed, Feb. 28 20. Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees, and Tree Traversals
Mon, Feb. 26 19. Sorting Algorithms
Fri, Feb. 23 18. More Linked Lists
Wed, Feb. 21 17. Introduction to Linked Lists
Wed, Feb. 14 16. Priority Queues and Binary Heaps
Mon, Feb. 12 15. Dynamic Memory Management
Fri, Feb. 9 14. Pointers and Arrays
Wed, Feb. 7 13. Object-Oriented Programming
Mon, Feb. 5 12. More Recursive Backtracking
Fri, Feb. 2 11. Recursive Backtracking and Enumeration
Wed, Jan. 31 10. Recursive Problem Solving
Mon, Jan. 29 9. More Recursion
Fri, Jan. 26 8. Big-O and Algorithmic Analysis
Wed, Jan. 24 7. Introduction to Recursion
Mon, Jan. 22 6. Sets and Maps
Fri, Jan. 19 5. Stacks and Queues
Wed, Jan. 17 4. Testing, Vectors, and Grids
Fri, Jan. 12 3. C++ Strings
Wed, Jan. 10 2. C++ Fundamentals
Mon, Jan. 8 1. Welcome!

Common questions about lectures

Is lecture attendance required?

We have scheduled our lecture to meet in the largest room available on campus. We strongly encourage all of you to join us in person! This will allow you to participate in class discussion and in-class activities, to ask your questions real-time, and ensures that you are keeping on pace with the course schedule. We think staying on pace with the class is so important (and we know you know it too–binge-watching videos just isn't it!) that we are offering a small grade incentive to help you motivate yourself to stay on top of it.

How do lecture quizzes work?

Here are the details:

  • We will release a quiz on Canvas after each lecture.
  • Quizzes will be due in weekly batches, usually on Wednesdays, 30 minutes prior to the start of lecture. The deadline for each quiz will be visible in Canvas.
  • Since quizzes are released after each lecture but due in weekly batches, you will necessarily have more time to work on some quizzes than others. We understand this might seem wonky at first, but our hope is that the weekly deadline will feel more manageable than having a quiz due before each lecture. The batch deadlines should also afford you a reasonable degree of flexibility if you miss a class and have to fall back on the lecture video.
  • At the end of the quarter, we will add a small bonus to your course grade based on the number of quizzes you completed and your scores on those quizzes. Hooray! Who doesn't love a direct boost to their grade for something that also solidifies their understanding of the material and helps them progress through the course at a consistent, manageable pace?
  • Because quizzes are graded for bonus points only, we do not anticipate granting extensions on them under any circumstances. We ask that you pay careful attention to their deadlines in Canvas.

Our goals with these lecture quizzes are:

  • to give you a small grade incentive to help you motivate yourself to stay on top of lectures, which in turn should make this fast-paced course more manageable
  • to help ensure everyone is caught up on relevant material before heading into section each week, which will enable more productive and meaningful group discussions
  • to provide you with a timely, regular, low-stakes assessments of your understanding of the course material, so that you can identify any misunderstandings early and head to office hours straight away if you need clarification on anything

Are lectures recorded?

The winter quarter offering of CS106B will be recorded for our SCPD remote participants. Those video recordings are also available to regular on-campus for review or missed class. It sometimes takes about 2-3 hours after the end of class for the videos to post to Canvas, where they will appear under Panopto Course Videos. There is no live synchronous remote viewing.

How can I ask questions during lecture?

Raise your hand to ask it live. You also can ask questions during lecture via our online forum in a special megathread that will be continuously monitored by our head TA while lecture is happening.