
Our lectures are scheduled for Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 10:30-11:20AM, Pacific time, in Hewlett 200.

We have scheduled our lecture to meet in the largest room available on campus – we strongly encourage all of you to join us in-person! This will allow you to participate in class discussion and in-class activities, to ask your questions real-time, and ensures that you are keeping on pace with the course schedule. We think staying on pace with the class is so important (and we know you know it too–binge-watching videos just isn't it!) that we are offering a small grade incentive to help you motivate yourself to stay on top of it. More details below.

Common questions about lectures

How is lecture participation graded?

We think staying on pace with the class is so important (and we know you know it too–binge-watching videos just isn't it!) that we are offering a small incentive to help you motivate yourself to stay on top of it:

  • 5% of the course grade is allocated for lecture participation, on a can-only-help-you basis.
  • If you show up to a lecture in person, congratulations, you earned that day's credit! Just confirm your attendance by going to the lecture check-in link during lecture. Note: you will need to be connected to the Stanford network inside Hewlett to check in. It will only work at that location. If you can't check in virtually, you can sign an attendance form after class.

  • We will start counting lecture attendance on Monday of week 2
  • If you aren't able to make it, simply watch the video on Canvas and answer a few questions on Gradescope so we know you're up to speed. Unlike practice questions we do in class, you do need to answer these correctly to earn that day's credit. But Gradescope will give you the chance to retry questions you miss. These make-up questions need to be completed before the start of the next lecture (i.e., Monday lecture questions submitted before the start of Wednesday's lecture) to earn credit.
  • At the end of the quarter, we will calculate your total course grade including the 5% particpation, and also not including it (and putting that 5% on the final exam instead). Whichever formula ends up more favorable to you is the formula we will apply for you. So if you'd rather not attend lecture or watch videos, because you are confident in other methods of learning the material, you can do what works for you without it damaging your grade.
  • To allow for some flexibility, you're allowed to miss the credit opportunity (i.e. not completing PollEV or Gradescope quiz) for two lectures over the course of the quarter and still earn the full 5%.

Are lectures recorded?

The autumn quarter offering of CS106B will be recorded for our CGOE remote participants. Those video recordings are also available to regular on-campus for review or missed class. It usually takes about 2-3 hours after the end of class for the videos to post to Canvas, where they will appear under Panopto Course Videos. There is no live synchronous remote viewing.

How can I ask questions during lecture?

Raise your hand to ask it live. Since we have two co-instructors, you also can ask questions during lecture via our online forum in a special megathread that will be continuously monitored by one instructor while the other lectures.