Drupal Camp 2012

NOTE: This website is an archive of the 2012 Stanford Drupal Camp. The current year's Stanford Drupal Camp website is at http://drupalcamp.stanford.edu

Accepted sessions

Sessionsort icon Experience level Track(s) Room Date and time
Backbone.js + Drupal: Web-apps with Drupal
Stein Setvik

The Web Apps are coming!

Drupal's mastered the back-end. Now it needs a front-end JS framework to help with building dynamic user interfaces in the browser. jQuery alone doesn't cut it....

Design and Theming
Room 95 Sat, 2012-05-05 15:00 - 16:00
Basics of JavaScript and advanced jQuery
Devinder Bhardwaj

In this session I will explain basics of JavaScript so that you can better understand how jQuery works.

If you have ever felt difficulty in working with jQuery and wondered why it was...

Design and Theming
Room 185 Sat, 2012-05-05 13:45 - 14:45
Best Practices WYSIWYG with inline image handling
Jen Lampton

Configuring WYSIWYG editors in Drupal is now more complicated than ever. First you need to choose which editor you like. Then you need to install and configure a handful of additional modules to...

Content Management
Site Building
Room 95 Sat, 2012-05-05 10:00 - 11:00
Birds of a Feather Session 1

Birds of a Feather Session 1

Beginner Room 283 Fri, 2012-05-04 13:50 - 14:45
Birds of a Feather Session 2

Birds of a Feather Session 2

Beginner Room 283 Fri, 2012-05-04 14:50 - 15:50
Birds of a Feather Session 3

Birds of a Feather Session 3

Beginner Room 283 Fri, 2012-05-04 16:00 - 17:00
Creating multilingual Drupal 7 websites (part one)
Kristen Pol

Why should you create a Drupal website that supports more than one language or a language besides English?

  • There are more non-English native speakers in the world than English native...
Content Management
Site Building
Room 90 Sat, 2012-05-05 15:00 - 16:00
Creating multilingual Drupal 7 websites (part two)
Kristen Pol

Why should you create a Drupal website that supports more than one language or a language besides English?

  • There are more non-English native speakers in the world than English native...
Content Management
Site Building
Room 90 Sat, 2012-05-05 16:15 - 17:15
CRM Core - Contact Management in Drupal
Michael Haggerty, Chang Xiao

UPDATE: Slides from this session are now available! You can download them at the following address:


Intermediate Room 85 Sat, 2012-05-05 16:15 - 17:15
Drupal 7 search: Search API & Apache Solr
Stein Setvik

In Drupal 7, if you want fast, scalable, and faceted search, you have two options: Search API or Apache Solr Search Integration. In this session, I'll briefly cover the advantages of faceted Solr...

Intermediate Room 180 Sat, 2012-05-05 11:15 - 12:15
Drupal Basics for Content Managers:
Irina Zaks, Cynthia Mijares

This session will introduce the basics of content management systems for novice users. We will demonstrate several examples of web content management using Drupal. The examples include:


Room 285 Fri, 2012-05-04 14:50 - 15:50
Drupal for NonGeeks
Diana Montalion Dupuis

If you will never write a line of PHP code but need to understand how Drupal works, this session is for you. We'll focus on a high-level, conceptual understanding of the Drupal framework. The goal...

Beginner Room 180 Fri, 2012-05-04 16:00 - 17:00
Drupal Modules: The What, When, Where, Why, and especially How
Sharon Krossa

This is a practical session covering module basics. Learn what modules are, when to use contributed modules, where to find them, why choose one over another, and —step-by-step— how to install and...

Site Building
Room 185 Sat, 2012-05-05 11:15 - 12:15
Drupal Training Ideas - Creating Drupal Training at Stanford
Mark Branom

Brainstorming session to discuss Drupal training needs and solutions to those needs, with primary focus on Stanford needs.

Beginner Room 285 Fri, 2012-05-04 13:50 - 14:45
Entity API
Yuriy Gerasimov

Everything (or nearly everything) in Drupal 7 are entities: nodes, users, files, taxonomy terms...

There is also contrib module...

Intermediate Room 180 Sat, 2012-05-05 13:45 - 14:45
Git (Get) it done right! Intro to practical applied Version Control for Drupal site builders
Peter Chen

Stay on top of you code! Even if all you do to your code base is install and update modules and themes, using version control is the best way to manage changes so you can walk back from a crash...

Site Building
Room 85 Sat, 2012-05-05 11:15 - 12:15
High Performance for Small Sites
John Bickar

Do you administer a small-to-medium traffic site? Is it on shared hosting (e.g., Dreamhost, Stanford AFS)? Would you like to make it faster?

Much of Drupal high performance work focuses on...

Room 85 Sat, 2012-05-05 15:00 - 16:00
Introduction to drush
John Bickar

An intro to drush.

Drush is "a command line shell and scripting interface for Drupal, a veritable Swiss Army knife designed to make life easier...

Site Building
Room 85 Sat, 2012-05-05 13:45 - 14:45
Lunch (provided by our sponsors)

Yes, it is lunchtime!!!

Advanced Room 180 Sat, 2012-05-05 12:15 - 13:45
Mad Skillz: Be the Best in the World
Diana Montalion Dupuis

Note: This session is (potentially) beneficial to all experience levels.

Want to find out how mad your skillz are? Want to create a plan for developing the necessary skillz and traits to...

Beginner Room 185 Sat, 2012-05-05 10:00 - 11:00
Managing Drupal Projects at Stanford. GSB case study
Oleg Ciubotaru

GSB migration form html to drupal:
Migrate the old site, protected pages, groups, audiences etc etc to drupal. Add new features. Projects that I'll speak of:


Site Building
Use Cases
Room 95 Sat, 2012-05-05 11:15 - 12:15
Mapping and geospatial with Drupal
Patrick Hayes

A session all about mapping using Drupal

Topics that will be covered:
- What is spatial data?
- Displaying data on a map
- What is a projection and why should I care?...

Advanced Room 280B Fri, 2012-05-04 13:50 - 14:45
Migrating to Drupal
Chris Leppanen

This session will cover strategies for migrating an existing website into Drupal.

Topics covered:
-Types of migrations
-Modeling your data in Drupal
-How to automate...

Intermediate Room 95 Sat, 2012-05-05 16:15 - 17:15
One Size Fits None: Say Goodbye To Distributions, and Hello To "OpenEDU"
Jennifer Hols, Ben Koether

You've got a Higher Ed website(s) or web platform, and you want to move to Drupal, or extend your current Drupal implementation. There's lots of Drupal EDU distributions out there, and you may...

Beginner Room 280B Fri, 2012-05-04 14:50 - 15:50
Open Framework Theme: Incorporating Twitter Bootstrap into your Drupal site
Brian Young

Twitter Bootstrap is a responsive web page building toolkit built with HTML5 and CSS3. It is also one of the most popular projects on GitHub...

Design and Theming
Room 180 Sat, 2012-05-05 15:00 - 16:00
Panopoly: Panels and Chaos Tools Magic for the Masses
Matt Cheney

Panopoly is an Apps enabled distribution of Drupal powered by lots of CTools and Panels magic. The distribution is designed to be a base framework upon which to build other Drupal distributions,...

Beginner Room 180 Sat, 2012-05-05 16:15 - 17:15
Project Management Tips & Tricks
Hally Turner

This session is targeted for everyone who is interested about Project Management. We'll review what we’ve learned so far and how to ensure success FOR BOTH STANFORD AND YOUR TEAM!

Site Building
Room 285 Fri, 2012-05-04 16:00 - 17:00
Restful web APIS
Christopher Jones

You work with APIs every day, from Twitter to Salesforce. You know that APIs can be a powerful tool for marshalling disparate resources across diverse platforms. But when it comes time to develop...

Intermediate Room 95 Sat, 2012-05-05 13:45 - 14:45
Running Drupal at Stanford
Marco Wise

This session is aimed mostly at developers and contractors working at Stanford who install and tweak Drupal installations or help others do so. It won't cover actually using Drupal once it's...

Site Building
Room 180 Fri, 2012-05-04 13:50 - 14:45
Running Drupal at Stanford - HELP Session
Marco Wise

General Questions and Help Sessions

Site Building
Room 180 Fri, 2012-05-04 14:50 - 15:50
Self Hosting Drupal 7 on AWS EC2 with an RDS back end for high availability
Harnish Goradia

I will demo how to host your drupal on Amazon Web Services (AWS) t1.micro EC2 instance in the US West 2 data center on an Ubuntu server OS. Then I will proceed to install Apache and PHP and then...

Beginner Development Room 90 Sat, 2012-05-05 10:00 - 11:00
Yuriy Gerasimov

Services modules is the most widely used and robust Drupal module that provides API's for external applications that wish to communicate with Drupal.

This presentation aims to provide...

Intermediate Room 180 Sat, 2012-05-05 10:00 - 11:00
Start Your Own Bug Squad
Mark Ferree

Not everyone that wants to contribute to Drupal knows how to code, and not everyone that knows how to code wants to be a project manager for their own module. See where I'm going here?


Beginner Room 185 Sat, 2012-05-05 16:15 - 17:15
Supporting a Drupal site over the longterm
Anne Stefanyk, Meghan Sweet

Your Drupal site launched! Now you need to know the best ways to support your site as it grows. Or maybe you've had your site for awhile and its starting to show some wear and tear. In this...

Beginner Room 90 Sat, 2012-05-05 13:45 - 14:45
Tame Your Project: How to Build Your Project So It Stays Maintainable
Adam Moore

When beginning a new Drupal project you might feel the need to dive right in and start building your site. This usually leads to missed timelines and a site with a hodge podge of modules with an...

Intermediate Room 280B Fri, 2012-05-04 16:00 - 17:00
The Federated General Assembly
Andrew Mallis

Occupy Wall Street has captured the attention of the world. Since its inception on September 17th, it has spread from the founding occupation at Liberty Plaza in New York City to...

Beginner Development Room 185 Sat, 2012-05-05 15:00 - 16:00
What You See Is (not always) What you Get (but it can be)
Andrew Mallis

Mostly a repeat of this session; old news for some, mana for others.


Intermediate Room 90 Sat, 2012-05-05 11:15 - 12:15
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