Archive for April 22nd, 2011

The Three Main Ideas

Friday, April 22nd, 2011

I stumbled through making a video of myself introducing the YCISL program. It took about 4 hours to create 3 minutes of usable video. I only now realize the significance of the bloopers clips we get to see.

Anyway, this video outlined three main ideas behind the program workshops:
1. Stanford serves as a neutral ground and clean slate which frees them from their everyday constraints and allows them to build on their ideas organically.
2. Creativity is an innate resource which we can utilize to generate innovation. The ability to be successful and adept at innovation should be viewed as leadership. Creativity, innovation and leadership comprise the program’s skeletal framework.
3. Youth leadership objectives can be differentiated into age stages. These objectives are different from those for adults (professionals) – as opposed to youth.