Archive for May 8th, 2015

On the Combination of Knowledge Intelligence with Emotional Intelligence

Friday, May 8th, 2015

In YCISL, we postulate that Leadership Intelligence (LI) arises from the combination of Knowledge Intelligence (KI) and Emotional Intelligence (EI). Our viewpoint is succinctly expressed by a chemical reaction:

KI + EI -> LI

In general, EI is a limited-quantity reagent which results in a low LI yield. KI is the information capital that one possesses and is largely related to formal education. EI is the ability to configure KI so that it is useful and effective. Essentially, EI bonds with KI and forms LI, a valuable product and resource.

In another article, I have discussed how EI is lost just as creativity is stifled through formal education and societal influence. So as KI grows, EI can greatly diminish. So the challenge is to protect, preserve and restore EI so that it is ready to produce LI.

This model explains why LI is rarely demonstrated in modern society and why YCISL focuses on opportunities for and examples of youth leadership; we expect to be able to yield high LI in youth and not adults. It will take high quality/purity KI as well as potent EI to produce the LI that we seek.

The hope is to ignite the production of LI at an early (prime) age so that adults have the youthful experience to sustain high LI. Overall, this helps explain why the best (adult) leaders are those who draw from their youth experience.

This is one of YCISL’s purposes.