



#ycisl #creativeenergy #lifelessons

The Center for Sustainable Development and Global Competitiveness (CSDGC) at Stanford University recognizes that the development of leadership and creativity begins at a very early age, soon after the experience of discovery. Our flagship Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership (YCISL) program focuses on creative energy exploration and EQ-enriched leadership mindsets and life lessons. We thrive as a kickstarter-type development studio blending Stanford-style open enquiry with youth-oriented coaching and practices.

Many of us, through exposure to popular media, largely associate leadership with professional adults who are in executive management roles in politics, government, or business. However, if we reflect on our life experiences, we realize that leadership opportunities actually begin in our youth and this is where the most influential leadership life lessons emerge. In this expanded leadership framework, we can begin to identify a sequence of leadership objectives at various age stages that help us adopt differentiated methods for fostering lifetime leadership development and resilient creativity.


Stanford University, one of the best known centers of high impact innovation, is the perfect setting to stimulate idea development and engage in problem-solving in the globally urgent area of sustainability. The YCISL workshop format focuses on introducing students to human-interactive sustainability design thinking, and seeks to help identify leadership opportunities connecting ideas to successful realization. Using a combination of lectures, discussions, hands-on design work, and site visits, the program provides multidimensional views of the sustainability universe, and will introduce you to various tools, approaches and distinguished thinkers so that you can embark on your own course of self-discovery.

The CSDGC Youth Leadership program is based on the premise that in standard learning environments, the objective is to rigidly parallel or even mirror particular knowledge frameworks and, as a result, the capacity for creative thinking shrinks. Our program, set against a sustainability backdrop, simply provides neutral ground and the freedom to explore one's creative universe - a universe in which ideas are born, shaped and shared, and you are empowered to discover and channel your passion. We also believe that youth, due to their limited exposure to life's behavorial boundaries and stressors, have extremely creative minds and can contribute in the short term as well as the long term - they just need the opportunity and the guidance to develop this skill in stages.

CSDGC invites groups to collaboratively organize workshop programs that range from 1 to 8 days. The workshops would allow students to focus their thoughts on their leadership development, and explore their creativity environment. The youth groups may comprise students at:

  • High School: this program is designed to help college-bound students assess themselves and then look ahead. Consistent with the leadership objective of "Proof", the program will encourage students to develop a personal leadership identity and reinforce it with participation, contribution and influence on team projects.
  • College: this program is designed to help early college students optimize their higher learning experience. Using the leadership objective of "Integration", this program will focus on developing a compelling package of knowledge, skill and motivation.

Design Thinking plays a front-and-center role in the development of our activities and the take-home messages we share. This is reflected in our YCISL Design Core which encapsulates 6 emphasis areas and messages.

The following features are the key components of each YCISL program. Complete programs will also include a selection of special enrichment activities. The emphasis or specific objectives may vary for different groups.

  • CREATIVE ENERGY Explore your creative energy capacity and levels. Exercise your fast-thinking creativity to develop it into a personal strength.
  • PROJECT STUDIO: PROBLEM-SOLVING & INNOVATION Work in teams mentored by instructional staff to develop ideas into problem-solving products or processes. Learn techniques in brainstorming and prototyping that lifts ideation to idea-sharing and demonstration. Experience an innovation framework from concept to roll-out.
  • SUSTAINABLE BY DESIGN Learn about design and engineering approaches to sustainability, and the role of creativity in promoting or challenging sustainable standards as it affects personal lives.
  • TEAMWORK & TEAM BUILDING Look at the mechanics of assembling teams, and then getting teams to work together. Consider the issues involved in team communications and performance.
  • LEADERSHIP INTELLIGENCE View leadership excellence as the product of the combination of knowledge intelligence with emotional intelligence.
  • YOUR PERSONAL STORY Learn about the importance of composing your personal story for attaining motivation, growth and positivity.


Leadership rises in the context of a personal story. Our program seeks to encourage youth to focus on the development of their personal story through systematic personal skills and talent development. Emphasis is on the balance of knowledge intelligence with emotional intelligence, employing tools for continuous personal assessment and social awareness.

Our program is unique. We are a small-batch venture focused on the now and are distinct in our position, posture and purpose.

  • Our position within a Stanford University academic department, the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, allows us to provide world-class research, teaching and learning insights.
  • We make connections with thought leaders and scholars from the Stanford and Silicon Valley communities, and encourage dialog so viewpoints and knowledge are shared. We offer opportunity to connect the dots.
  • We offer intellectual stimulation and inspiration for organic self-discovery of one's potential, purpose and passion. We are not passive.
  • Our program has longitudinal goals and lasting lessons in order to support long-term personal development. We aim to influence the future.
  • We are rapidly evolving and, through experimental design of our activities, keep the content engaging and purposeful. We are a dynamic project.


fg pwc itw


  • PwC: 60 to 90 minutes of exploratory conversational dialog on creativity.
  • FG: 2 to 6 hours of guided workshop on a select creativity topic. Interactive exercises.
  • ITW: 10+ hours of guided workshop on the YCISL Innovators Toolkit. Project work & interactive exercises.

We currently welcome enquiries from schools and group organizers for speaking engagements (focus group, Popcorn with Colin, or Innovators Toolkit Workshop format) in sponsor-hosted events in 2024.


July 12, 2024
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program in Collaboration with HD Schools: Popcorn with Colin on Creativity & Those Aha! Moments
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

March 22, 2024
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Kanagawa Prefecture High School students in Collaboration with GPI US: Popcorn with Colin on Creativity, Uncertainty, & Real-World Problem-Solving
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

October 13, 2023
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program in Collaboration with Learn with Leaders: Popcorn with Colin on IB Extended Essay Design Thinking
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

July 25 & 27, 2023
Speaker in AISL Outdoor Summer Camp (Beijing) in collaboration with PacificPine Sports: Popcorn with Colin - Creative Energy
AISL Outdoor Summer Camps at AISL Harrow Schools

Venue: Online

July 19, 2023
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program: Popcorn with Colin - A Lunch Social with Stanford Summer Session Students in Sustainability Design Thinking Course
CSDGC Youth Development Program

Venue: Stanford University

July 18 & 20, 2023
Speaker in AISL Outdoor Summer Camp (Beijing, Shanghai & Shenzhen) in collaboration with PacificPine Sports: Popcorn with Colin - Rapid Prototyping
AISL Outdoor Summer Camps at AISL Harrow Schools

Venue: Online

July 11 & 13, 2023
Speaker in AISL Outdoor Summer Camp (Beijing, Shanghai & Shenzhen) in collaboration with PacificPine Sports: Popcorn with Colin - Your Personal Story
AISL Outdoor Summer Camps at AISL Harrow Schools

Venue: Online

July 4 & 6, 2023
Speaker in AISL Outdoor Summer Camp (Shanghai & Shenzhen) in collaboration with PacificPine Sports: Popcorn with Colin - Creative Energy
AISL Outdoor Summer Camps at AISL Harrow Schools

Venue: Online

February 12, 2022
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program in Collaboration with Elite Star: Popcorn with Colin
- Research Ideas

CSDGC Youth Development Program

Venue: Online

January 21, 22, 28 & 29, 2022
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Shining Star International School in Collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders: YCISL Innovators Toolkit Workshop - Winter 2022 Edition
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online
More info...

October 15-December 10, 2021
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program in Collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders: New Ideas from the Inside (NIFTI), An SEWSS Seminar Series - Fall Edition
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online
More info...

October 1, 2, 8 & 9, 2021
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program in Collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders: Innovators Toolkit Workshop (ITW) - Fall Edition
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online
More info...

September 11, 2021
Guest Speaker in Think Out Loud session hosted by E-Squared Learn with Leaders
Take the World Forward Fellowship Program
Venue: Online

August 19, 2021
Panelist in Sustainability at UWCSEA and Beyond Panel hosted by UWCSEA
UWCSEA Alumni Reunion 2021
Venue: Online

July 11-14, 2021
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with British School Jakarta in Collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders: YCISL Design Thinking Incubator
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online
More info...

June 27-July 1, 2021
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Col·legi Montserrat in Collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders: YCISL Design Thinking Incubator
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online
More info...

June 21-24, 2021
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program in Collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders: YCISL Design Thinking Incubator
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online
More info...

April 16-May 21, 2021
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program in Collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders: New Ideas from the Inside (NIFTI), An SEWSS Seminar Series - Spring Edition
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

March 20, 2021
Keynote Address in IB CAS (Creativity, Activity & Service) Fair Turkey hosted by MEF International Schools
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

March 17, 2021
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program Focus Group: Growth Mindset with Nara Women's University in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

March 9, 2021
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program Focus Group: Growth Mindset with Kumamoto High School & Tsurumaru High School in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

March 7, 2021
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program Focus Group: Growth Mindset with Numazu Higashi High School in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

February 19, 20, 26 & 27, 2021
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program in Collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders: Innovators Toolkit Workshop (ITW) - Winter Edition
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

February 6, 2021
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program: Popcorn with Colin for SSP Alumni
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

January 30, 2021
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program in Collaboration with Elite Star: Popcorn with Colin CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

January 9, 2021
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program: Popcorn with Colin for SSP Alumni
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

January 8-February 12, 2021
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program in Collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders: New Ideas from the Inside (NIFTI), An SEWSS Seminar Series - Winter Edition
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

December 27 & 28, 2020
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program Focus Group in Collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

December 4 & 12, 2020
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program in Collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders: Popcorn with Colin
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

November 7, 22, & December 11 & 17, 2020
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program in Collaboration with GPI US: Popcorn with Colin
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

October 16, 17, 23 & 24, 2020
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program in Collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders: Innovators Toolkit Workshop (ITW) - Fall Edition
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

August 14-October 2, 2020
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program in Collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders: New Ideas from the Inside (NIFTI), An SEWSS Seminar Series

CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

July 24, 25 & 31, August 1, 2020
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program in Collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders: Innovators Toolkit Workshop (ITW)
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

July 10, 17 & 18, 2020
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program in Collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders: Coffee with Colin
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

June 26, 2020
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program Focus Group in Collaboration with E-Squared Learn with Leaders
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Online

August 7-18, 2019
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Wuhan University of Technology in Collaboration with Goldmine International Education & Investment
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

July 31-August 4, 2019
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Hiroo Gakuen in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

July 24-29, 2019
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Asano Gakuen in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

August 8-12, 2018
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Wuhan University of Technology in Collaboration with Goldmine International Education & Investment
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

August 2-6, 2018
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Huazhong University of Science & Technology in Collaboration with Goldmine International Education & Investment
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

July 25-29, 2018
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Hiroo Gakuen in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

July 18-22, 2018
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Asano Gakuen in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

May 26-29, 2018
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with the City University of Hong Kong
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

August 2-6, 2017
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Hiroo Gakuen in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

July 27-31, 2017
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Wuhan University of Technology and Jianghan University in Collaboration with Goldmine International Education & Investment
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

July 21-25, 2017
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Asano Gakuen in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

July 7-14, 2017
SNU in Silicon Valley Program in Collaboration with Seoul National University Office of International Affairs
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

July 29, 2016
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Otemae Senior High School in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

July 27-31, 2016
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Hiroo Gakuen High School in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

July 20-24, 2016
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Asano Gakuen in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

May 28-31, 2016
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with the City University of Hong Kong
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

November 15, 2015
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Youth Leadership America - Oakland and Bay Area Chapters
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

August 5-9, 2015
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Hiroo Gakuen in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

July 29 - August 2, 2015
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Ritsumeikan and Kanazawa Izumigaoka High Schools in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

July 22-26, 2015
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Asano Gakuen in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

March 26-29, 2015
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Wasedajuku in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

August 5-9, 2014
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Hiroo Gakuen in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

July 30-August 3, 2014
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Ritsumeikan High Schools in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

July 23-27, 2014
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Asano Gakuen in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

March 22-25, 2014
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Wasedajuku in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

February 7-9, 2014
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program in Collaboration with Raising Culture
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

August 8-14, 2013
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Hiroo Gakuen in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

July 29-August 2, 2013
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Ritsumeikan in Collaboration with GPI US
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

June 18-26, 2013
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Singapore Polytechnic School of Architecture & Built Environment
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

February 9-11, 2013
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program for High School Students from Beijing, Shenyang and Guiyang, China
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

June 19-27, 2012
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Singapore Polytechnic School of Architecture & Built Environment
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University

June 14-22, 2011
Youth Creativity, Innovation & Sustainable Leadership Program with Singapore Polytechnic School of Architecture & Built Environment
CSDGC Youth Development Program
Venue: Stanford University



Group photo from Singapore Polytechnic visit, June 2011
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Singapore Polytechnic visit, June 2012
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Singapore Polytechnic visit, June 2013
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Ritsumeikan visit, July 2013
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Hiroo Gakuen visit, August 2013
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Raising Culture visit, February 2014
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Wasedajuku visit, March 2014
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Asano Gakuen visit, July 2014
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Ritsumeikan visit, July-August 2014
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Hiroo Gakuen visit, August 2014
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Wasedajuku visit, March 2015
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Asano Gakuen visit, July 2015
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Ritsumeikan & Izumigaoka visit, July-August 2015
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Hiroo Gakuen visit, August 2015
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from City University of Hong Kong visit, May 2016
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Asano Gakuen visit, July 2016
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Hiroo Gakuen visit, July 2016
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Otemae visit, July 2016
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Seoul National University visit, July 2017
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Asano Gakuen visit, July 2017
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Goldmine Foundation visit, July 2017
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Hiroo Gakuen visit, August 2017
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from City University of Hong Kong visit, May 2018
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Asano Gakuen visit, July 2018
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Hiroo Gakuen visit, July 2018
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from HUST visit, August 2018
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from WUT visit,
August 2018

Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Asano Gakuen visit, July 2019
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Hiroo Gakuen visit, July 2019
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from WUT visit, August 2019
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from ITW Workshop, Summer 2020
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from NIFTI Workshop, Summer 2020
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from ITW Workshop, Fall 2020
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from NIFTI Workshop, Winter 2021
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from ITW Workshop, Winter 2021
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Numazu Higashi Lecture, March 2021
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Kumamoto-Tsurumaru Lecture, Winter 2021
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Nara Women's University Lecture, Winter 2021
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from NIFTI Workshop, Spring 2021
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from ITW-DTI Workshop, June 2021
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Col·legi Montserrat workshop, June 2021
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from British School Jakarta workshop, July 2021
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from ITW Workshop, Fall 2021
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from NIFTI Workshop, Fall 2021
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Shining Star workshop, Winter 2022
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from AISL Outdoor Summer Camp, Summer 2023
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from AISL Outdoor Summer Camp, Summer 2023
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from AISL Outdoor Summer Camp, Summer 2023
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from AISL Outdoor Summer Camp, Summer 2023
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from Kanagawa Prefecture visit, March 2024
Click image to enlarge.
Group photo from HD Schools Visit, Summer 2024
Click image to enlarge.


Primer: This Side Up (PDF, 417K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Monday June 2, 2014
A Simple Framework for Youthful Innovation (PDF, 423K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Monday June 2, 2014
Prepping for YCISL: Go for Breadth (PDF, 102K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Wednesday June 18, 2014
YCISL: The Importance of Practice (PDF, 51K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Saturday April 25, 2015
How Sustainability Expands and Elevates YCISL (PDF, 53K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Wednesday May 9, 2018
Experimental Design with YCISL Philanthropy (PDF, 43K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Wednesday May 9, 2018
Where is your Creativity? (PDF, 55K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Tuesday September 25, 2020
YCISL Design Thinking with Emotional Intelligence (PDF, 169K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Sunday March 26, 2023


Mentor Mindset (PDF, 838K)
Editor: Colin Ong
Released: Sunday October 31, 2021
Innovators Toolkit: Design Thinking Awareness Guide (PDF, 81K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Wednesday November 17, 2021
Sustainability in Education Roundtable: Event Design Guide (PDF, 146K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Saturday March 26, 2022
Those Aha! Moments: YCISL Quote Collection (PDF, 463K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Tuesday August 2, 2022
QED: YCISL Fun, Form & Function (PDF, 627K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Thursday March 23, 2023
Simply Hard Work: Using Our Creative Energy (PDF, 1MB)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Friday June 2, 2023
4,000 Words: Design Thinking the IB ExE (PDF, 415K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Thursday November 16, 2023
RfP: Design Thinking Your Science Fair Research Proposal (PDF, 674K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Friday May 10, 2024


8 Practices to Rebuild Creativity (PDF, 61K)
Design: Colin Ong
Released: Friday December 18, 2020
Reflecting on Creativity (PDF, 59K)
Design: Colin Ong
Released: Saturday March 13, 2021
Your Personal Story Staircase (PDF, 138K)
Design: Colin Ong
Released: Saturday March 13, 2021
An Asking Questions Approach to Design Thinking (PDF, 98K)
Design: Colin Ong
Released: Saturday May 10, 2021
Brainstorming for Design Thinking (PDF, 92K)
Design: Colin Ong
Released: Sunday August 1, 2021


YCISL TIP #1: KI + EI -> LI (PDF, 39K)
Design: Colin Ong
Released: Wednesday September 26, 2018
YCISL TIP #2: Feeling Positive? (PDF, 36K)
Design: Colin Ong
Released: Wednesday September 26, 2018
YCISL TIP #3: "Simple, but not Easy" (PDF, 38K)
Design: Colin Ong
Released: Wednesday September 26, 2018
YCISL TIP #4: Sustainable by Human-Centered Design (PDF, 35K)
Design: Colin Ong
Released: Friday March 12, 2021
YCISL TIP #5: "Push Through Shyness & Self-Doubt" (PDF, 37K)
Design: Colin Ong
Released: Friday March 12, 2021
YCISL TIP #6: Positivity is Hard Work (PDF, 37K)
Design: Colin Ong
Released: Friday March 12, 2021


YCISL Parent (Teacher) Toolkit: Asking Questions (PDF, 39K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Monday March 23, 2020
YCISL Parent (Teacher) Toolkit: Divergent-Convergent Thinking (PDF, 70K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Monday March 30, 2020
YCISL Parent (Teacher) Toolkit: Filling & Crossing Gaps (PDF, 125K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Monday April 6, 2020
YCISL Parent (Teacher) Toolkit: Filling & Crossing Gaps Supplement (PDF, 44K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Tuesday April 7, 2020
YCISL Parent (Teacher) Toolkit: Fast Creative Thinking (PDF, 61K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Monday April 13, 2020
YCISL Parent (Teacher) Toolkit: Positive Thinking (PDF, 77K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Monday April 20, 2020
YCISL Parent (Teacher) Toolkit: Practice Plan (PDF, 59K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Friday May 15, 2020
YCISL Parent (Teacher) Toolkit: Getting Started & FAQs (PDF, 66K)
Author: Colin Ong
Released: Monday May 16, 2020


Positivity Flip Cards Game Demo (HTML, 9K)
Designer: Colin Ong
Released: Monday May 19, 2020
Asking Questions Flip Card Response Game Demo (HTML, 8K)
Designer: Colin Ong
Released: Thursday May 21, 2020
Converged Product Concept & Design Canvas (HTML, 3K)
Designer: Colin Ong
Released: Monday May 22, 2020
Feature Memory Test v.4 (HTML, 8K)
Designer: Colin Ong
Released: Monday February 1, 2021
YCISL Principal Features List Sketchpad (HTML, 6K)
Designer: Colin Ong
Released: Wednesday July 28, 2021

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