Audition dates

Fall auditions for membership in the Stanford Symphony Orchestra (SSO),  Stanford Philharmonia (SP), and/or Stanford New Ensemble (SNE, fall quarter only) will take place from 16-22 September 2024. If you plan to audition, please fill out the 2024-25 Orchestra Participation Form,  which all new and returning members are required to fill out, and sign up for an audition time here. As each day fills up, a sign-up form for the next day will be added. With ca. 150-200 auditions altogether, having full days throughout the week is the only way to hear everyone by the 22nd. Therefore, everyone is strongly encouraged to audition as early in the week as possible.

Auditions will take place in Braun Rehearsal Hall (BRH) except for harp and timpani/percussion, which will take place in Bing Concert Hall on 22 September. Auditions will be in person, although auditions can take place over Zoom, if necessary. If you cannot audition by 22 September, send an email to <orchestra@stanford.edu> explaining your circumstances.

Generally, anyone auditioning on more than one instrument (i.e. flute and piccolo; oboe and English horn; violin and piano; etc.) should sign up for one audition slot in which both instruments will be heard.

Audition requirement

AUDITION PROCEDURE. Each audition will last about 10 minutes and will consist of a solo piece, excerpts, scales, and sight-reading for new members. The audition for returning members will comprise excerpts, scales, and sight-reading only, with no solo piece.

SOLO. The solo piece should not exceed 2-3 minutes and usually is an excerpt of a concerto, suite, or sonata, or an etude. Only students who haven’t been in SSO or SP before should prepare a solo piece; returning members will not be asked to play one.

SCALES. For the audition, play scales as you’ve prepared them in your studies at school or with a private teacher. There is no set number of scales to be prepared. If you know major and minor scales, then plan to play at least one of each; if you know only major scales, you won’t be required to play minor scales. The audition will be an opportunity for you to demonstrate whether you know only major scales, or major and minor, and how many of each. Play as many octaves as you can of each scale – whatever is typical for your instrument. Wind players may be asked to play a chromatic scale.

EXCERPTS. These are posted on the Fall 2024 Audition Excerpts page. 

SIGHT-READING. A sight-reading excerpt will be provided at the audition.

Eligibility for membership

All Stanford undergraduate and graduate students (including postdocs and visiting scholars) are eligible for membership in SSO and SP. Additionally, membership may be extended to Stanford faculty and staff as well as community members, including high school students, with the understanding that currently enrolled Stanford students will receive priority for membership. Undergraduate and graduate students are treated equally in the auditions, as are music majors and non-music majors, with non-music majors having the same chance of being admitted to SSO and/or SP as music majors. It is possible to play in both SSO and SP during the same year; generally, each year about 10-12 students play in both orchestras.

In 2024-25, the SSO roster could include as many as 114 musicians – 66 string players (16-16-14-12-8) and 48 winds, percussion, harp, and keyboard (5-5-5-5 6-5-4-2 6timp/perc 3harp 2kbd). The SP roster of about 55 musicians will include approximately 37 string players (10-9-8-6-4) and about 18 winds, harp, percussion, and keyboard (2-2-2-2 2-2-1-0  3timp/perc  1harp  1kbd). The Fall 2024 auditions for SSO, SP, and SNE will not include saxophones, since none of this year’s repertoire includes saxophone parts.


The Fall repertoire for SSO and SP is posted on the home page. Winter and Spring programs will be posted after the Fall auditions, but will not be finalized until after the Concerto Competition takes place on 1 February 2025.

Instrument loans

Many students in SSO and SP borrow instruments from Stanford’s extensive instrument collection, which is overseen by Herb Myers, Stanford’s Curator of Instruments. There is no cost to borrow an instrument from the collection. Students who play double bass, cello, alto flute, English horn, bass clarinet, contrabassoon, bass trombone, and tuba often borrow instruments. The collection also includes E-flat and A clarinets, C trumpets, violas, violins, and various kinds of brass instruments. If you need to borrow an instrument, contact Herb Myers at <hwm@stanford.edu>.

Any questions about auditions may be addressed to Professor Paul Phillips at <orchestra@stanford.edu>.