Auditions for 2024 Summer Symphony

The audition consists of three parts and will last 10 minutes:

  • Solo piece: begin by playing a two-minute excerpt of a work of your choice – a piece that displays your best playing (such as a movement of a suite, partita, sonata, or concerto, or an etude). You may bring a second contrasting piece, but it is not required and might not be requested because of time restraint.
  • Scales. Play one or two scales in the same manner as in your private studies. There is no set requirement regarding how many scales you need to know, but you will be asked to say which ones you know – for example: all majors, all majors and minors, some majors and/or minors (listing which ones), chromatic, etc.
  • Sightreading. Sightread a short excerpt provided at the audition.