Arenaviridae References


Knipe DM et al. Fields Virology.

Garrett L. The Coming Plague.

Arenavirus Webpages

CDC Special Pathogens Branch, Arenaviridae

International Committee on the Taxonomy of Viruses Database Arenavirus Information

The Merck Manual: Arenavirus Disease

Wikipedia Arenaviridae Information (use with caution)

CDC. Prospects for the Control of Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever

Big Picture Book of Viruses: Arenaviridae

Stanford Links

Student Arenaviridae Page, 2004

Student Arenaviridae Page, 2002

Student Arenaviridae Page, 2000

Student Arenaviridae Page, 1999

Student Arenaviridae Page, 1998

Humans and Viruses Webpage



Ben's Pathogen Cards
Arenaviridae Biology
Profile: Machupo Virus
Profile: Lassa Fever Virus
Profile: Sabia Virus
Arenaviridae Recent Findings
Arenaviridae References
Jamie's Pathogen Cards


Jamie Dyal and Ben Fohner Stanford University Humans and Viruses Class of 2005