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HB4A Group 15A


I. Summary of Prehistoric Peruvian Complex Societies

II. Map of Cuzco

III. Diagram of Andean topography and climate

IV. Diagram of quollqa


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I. Summary of Prehistoric Peruvian Complex Societies*

CHAVIN: 500-1000 B.C.

  • Location: Site in North highlands, related sites span Peru
  • Characteristics: Convincing chiefdom system; temples with complex iconography, extenstive distribution of symbolic goods
  • Sites: Chavin de Huantar

SECHIN: circa 600 B.C.

  • Location: North Central Coast; one or a few coastal valleys
  • Characteristics: Advanced chiefdom; both convincing and coercing; evidence of militarism; display of conquest
  • Sites: Cerro Sechin

MOCHE: 200 B.C.- A.D. 60

  • Location: North Coast; multiple river valleys (within coastal zone)
  • Characteristics: Early state; highly militaristic; major monumental architecture
  • Sites: Pyramid of the Sun

CHIMU: A.D. 900-1400

  • Location: All northern river valleys and little of sierra
  • Characteristics: Regional state; convincing; urban development; major ruling lineages; high degree of social control
  • Sites: Chan Chan

INCA: A.D. 1430-1532

  • Location: Domination of entire Andes area
  • Characteristics: Expansive conquest state; well developed administration, communication, and statecraft
  • Sites: Cuzco, Ccoricancha, Huanuco Pampa, Machu Picchu, Tambo Colorado, Puruchuco

* from Professor John Rick

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II. Map of Cuzco

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III. Diagram of Andean Topography and Climate

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IV. Diagram of Quollqa

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