Mark Applebaum
Composer / Performer / Educator

Coat Room (2010)

Aphasia score sample

Octet (performable as one or more simultaneous duos): violin duo, clarinet duo, tuba duo, accordion duo. Commissioned by the Machine Project, Little William Theater | Festival of New Music at the UCLA Hammer Museum.

Coat Room is a short piece commissioned by the Hammer Museum. Performable as an octet, it was conceived foremost for presentation by duos (of violin, clarinet, tuba, and accordion) inside a coat room cleverly transformed into a concert hall—complete with a (minuscule) stage, basic lighting, and modest seating (for precisely two audience members). Listeners queued up in the lobby and entered the “hall” on the minute to hear thirty-second performances.

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Regrettably I am not in possession of a recording of Coat Room. A link to the score, however, appears below.

Download score (PDF-404KB)