
I grew up in the wonderful state of New Jersey, just outside of Philadelphia (exit 3). I received my BA from Rutgers University in 1991. In search of enlightenment and better weather, I moved to California. I received my PhD from UC Santa Cruz. (Go slugs!) From the central coast of California, I travelled north to Vancouver to do a postdoc at the University of British Columbia. My work at UBC sparked an interest in functional MRI research, so I moved back to California to take a post doc in Brian Wandell's lab at Stanford University.

Being in the heart of Silicon Valley, I could't resist taking a leave from Stanford to work on a start-up. We were seeking funding at perhaps the worst time possible, just after the market crash of April 2000. After about a year, the seed money ran out and I headed back to Stanford, this time as a Senior Research Scientist to study reading development. In 2010, I moved to my current position as the Research Director of the Stanford Center for Cognitive and Neurobiological Imaging.

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