Teaching English Reflectively with Technology

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The due date for proposals has passed and they are no longer
being accepted: this CFP will remain up for reference purposes

Call for Contributions: Due May 1, 2014

Are you teaching reflectively with technology? Do you want to share your reflections and experiences with others? The IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG is planning an edited volume, entitled Teaching English Reflectively with Technology, which can offer you this opportunity. 

The volume aims to help teachers enrich their technology-enhanced practice through reflection and research, allowing contributors to share their experiences with colleagues around the world.  We encourage both established and first-time authors to read on and submit a proposal. We want to hear a range of voices, and we will have volunteer mentors available to assist with the writing process as needed.

As an important part of the ongoing collaboration between the LT SIG and the TESOL CALL Interest Section, the LT SIG is extending this call to our CALL-IS colleagues. So if you are a current member of the IATEFL LT SIG or a primary member of the TESOL CALL-IS, please consider submitting a proposal. Join us in this effort to share experiences and reflections on current practice and to bridge the gap between the reality of everyday teacher experience and the realm of formal research.

If you are interested please bear in mind that although decidedly practice-centred, the contributions are expected to go beyond simply describing an application of technology as is often done in conference presentations and informational publications such as newsletters. We seek examples of teaching with technology that provide a clear rationale for the claimed benefits of using the chosen technology by incorporating the following: 1) links to relevant literature in language teaching and learning, teaching with technology, and especially, language teaching with technology; 2) teacher reflection on the process and outcome, with discussion of not only the positive aspects but also the pitfalls, challenges, and lessons learned. The inclusion and analysis of some teacher and/or student data to support the claims is especially encouraged.

Contributions should have the following features:

1)      Represent practical uses of recent and emerging technologies or innovative applications of more established ones.

2)      Include an explicit rationale for incorporating the technology tied to language learning goals and objectives, supported with references.

3)      Incorporate thoughtful reflections based on observation and/or collected data regarding what worked, what did not, and why, connected where possible to relevant literature.

Please note that we cannot include papers that only speculate about how teachers might use a new technology.

To be considered, please send the following in a single document by May 1, 2014, to both editors: Sophie Ioannou-Georgiou (sophiecy@yahoo.com) and Phil Hubbard (phubbard@stanford.edu):

·    a 250-300 word summary of your proposed chapter—be sure the summary addresses the points above, although a formal reference list is not required at this time.

·    a 50-100 word bio plus contact information

·    a statement of which group you belong to (LT SIG or CALL-IS (primary member))—please note that we are only considering proposals from members of these groups, and your membership must be current.

Your proposal will then be evaluated, and if it is accepted, we will send you an invitation to submit the full article for consideration.  These articles should be 3,000-4,000 words, not including references and figures, following APA format (http://apastyle.apa.org), the preferred style of the LT SIG newsletter LT as well as TESOL publications. Once the proposal is accepted, if you need some support with your article, the editors will find you a more experienced colleague as a mentor who can guide you through the process (see Mentoring)

We will contact authors by May 15, 2014 (Note: as of May 27 we still have not completed review. Prospective authors will be informed soon.) to let them know whether they will be invited to submit a full paper. The full submission will be due no later than 10 weeks following notification of proposal acceptance.

Last modified: May 27, 2014 by Phil Hubbard